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The Other Side Of The Coin

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Canary42 | 19:31 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
3 Answers


We hear a lot about husbands abusing their wives, but little of the reverse.  But from this article it would appear to be quite a problem as outlined by Mankind (link to their site below). 

I expect many macho males would consider this guy a wimp, but she said that if he raised a case against her she would allege that he abused her - that being more believable under current society norms.,as%20constant%20bullying%20or%20insults



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2% and growing - not news

known about for at least 40 y

A known issue and encouraged by statements of abuse, such as, "Take it like a man; if that's what you are", and similar.

I am still shocked by a recent programme of a husband being abused by his wife. I believe it was shown on ch5. The wife got jailed. Awful.

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The Other Side Of The Coin

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