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Another Hospital Bombed

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Untitled | 12:52 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
84 Answers

israel has bombed another hospital in gaza without providing any evidence that "militants" were present... the explosion caused a huge fire in which a several patients burned to death





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And if the West, America in particular, hadn't dumped European Jews on Palestine rather than have them flooding into the USA, the innocents being killed now would have lived peaceful lives.

But this present episode of blood-letting only started after 7th October.No Hamas attack,all these deaths since then wouldnt have happened.

We should be thankful that neither side of this horrible conflict have nuclear capability.

The terrorist apologists always point to the history but the fact remains that this latest chapter started on oct 7th. Everything that has happened is the work of Hamas, end of. If Iran had any sense they'd side with Israel and exterminate hamas and co.


The Israelis have nuclear weapons.


Speaking of history:-

Each slaughter is justified by a previous one. And so it goes.

Sandy Roe; //And if the West, America in particular, hadn't dumped European Jews on Palestine rather than have them flooding into the USA, the innocents being killed now would have lived peaceful lives.//

Your anti-Semitic views are well attested on these threads, as also is you lack of historical knowledge. 

The Jewish people were not 'dumped' on Palestine, many of them were already living there, as they were in all the surrounding countries of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Morocco. Countries which forced out their Jewish populations to go to the newly formed state of Israel.

Those living in Gaza were removed by Ariel Sharon, giving the Palestinian citizens the opportunity to build a prosperous little state living peacefully side by side with Israel, a real possibility of creating a real two-state solution.

What happened ?  A majority of them voted in as their leaders, Hamas, whose sole agenda, then & now, is the destruction of Israel. Hamas then spent the next seven years turning Gaza into a military base, armed & financed by Iran, with hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, purposely using the population of Gaza as a human shield for their operations leading to the October 7 massacre, which has led in turn to Israel's moral obligations to protect its citizens by destroying Hamas.


Yours, 'Khandro', (member of, Artists against anti-Semitism). 



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for someone who lectures others about their knowledge of history khandro makes many basic oversights. the majority of palestinians did not vote for hamas - 44% did and this was eighteen years ago. very very few palestinians today were of voting age or even alive when that election happened. there has not been one since. 

he also neglects to mention that israel funded and backed hamas because they intended to divide the palestinian authority between them and the marxist fatah. it worked a treat... until the very same terrorists israel had been backing to the hilt actually launched a massive terror attack. 

It is disheartening to see the AB audience of the war taking hardline stances and verbally scrapping like football fans used to do. There's a lot of "whose side are you on?" going about, a bit like Northern Ireland years ago.

"Are you  a Catholic or a Protestant?"

"Er, I'm an Atheist."

"But are you a Catholic atheist or a Protestant atheist?"


Untitled, you've said young people didn't vote for Hamas before but with Hamas in control what sort of an education do you think young Palestinians have been receiving for at least the past 18 years? 

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Hamas isn't in control of all the palestinian territories

You're ducking the question - again.

Another disheartening feature is the tendency to respond to a post which has tried to make a point by simply thinking for a few seconds and then saying "But this one goes up to eleven." (Spinal Tap reference).

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I don't know naomi. i can't find much good information about education in gaza before october 7th. 

Google Hamas children's cartoons.  

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according to polls covered by the jerusalem post naomi only 6% of people in gaza support hamas leadership... 85% support a ceasefire and the vast majority a two-state solution (which by definition means accepting israel)

doesn't sound too brainwashed to me


You didn't have to Google the cartoons, did you untitled.  You already know what's being fed to the young.  

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is that a reason to kill them all naomi?

During this conversation only you have suggested killing them all - but that's shifting the goalposts - as you do.  You are being disingenuous.  You know full well what those young people are being fed - although I'm not entirely sure you meant to mention brainwashing.

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