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Another Hospital Bombed

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Untitled | 12:52 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
52 Answers

israel has bombed another hospital in gaza without providing any evidence that "militants" were present... the explosion caused a huge fire in which a several patients burned to death





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How about a two state solution?

Israel would keep most of the land they've stolen over the last 75 years and the Palestinians would do their best to survive on the little land the Zionists deigned to give them.

With a peaceful settlement the cause of violence would have evaporated.

Is this too outrageous a thought?

untitled, My answer is as I said - not as you decided to invent.  


I've asked you a question and once again, you are perched on a convenient fence.   The bottom line in all of this, and one you appear determined to ignore, is that Hamas and its cohorts intend the complete and utter destruction of Israel - and they won't stop until they achieve their ambition - no matter how long it takes.  The result of that will be an Islamic state.  Now either that's what you want or it isn't.  If it isn't, then - rationally - you have no alternative but to support Israel in its struggle for survival.  But you don't.  As I said - 'rationally'.

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It isn't a fence naomi... i do not wish for israel to become an islamic state. i think it is rather too late to reverse the naqba of 1948 without causing a great deal of needless suffering to modern day israelis who had nothing to do with it

as sandy says... a two state solution is perfectly reasonable and seemed within reach 20 years ago. my opinion is that hamas thrives on the occupation and regardless of their extreme aims would wither away without it. 

Maybe not outrageous, but naive.  

It is a Western prejudice that all problems have solutions. Some do not. This one does not. There is no way that modern Palestinians will end “the struggle” and live in peace alongside any form of Jewish state, on any borders, on any territory.

If the Palestinians change, and agree to some compromise border on the West Bank, and give up jihad, and pursue peace and prosperity, and ignore the Jewish state, well then all these problems can be solved.

But there is no evidence the Palestinians would do that. Not in our lifetimes.

14:29 how little you understand Sandy. The land is irrelevent, Hamas actually had full control of Gaza on Oct 6th. The terrorists want Israel wiped off the map and every jew exterminated.

The OP was rejoicing at the death of a nazi the other day, on here he supports the new nazis that want to exterminate Israel. Sandy/untitled et al just don't seem to be able to see what is plain to the rest of us.

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"If it isn't, then - rationally - you have no alternative but to support Israel in its struggle for survival.  But you don't.  As I said - 'rationally'."

then I'll ask the same question a different way... does israel have your support regardless of anything that it does? and i do mean literally anything. no matter what it does, will you still support israel?

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I was indeed rejoicing at the death of a nazi... because he was in fact a nazi and there is no doubt about it

what proof do you have that the people killed in this attack (or burned alive afterwards) were nazis?

It would be amusing, if this topic wasn't so serious, to read the posts of those pretending to know the mind of Palestinians.

You don't need to know the mind of anyone- history speaks for itself.

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indeed sandy. their whole position is built on treating every palestinian as inhuman. the minute you acknowledge that many palestinians are not terrorists and in fact many of them are children their position falls apart. 

Untitled/sandyRoe, Hamas and like-minded terrorist organisations have declared their intention.  

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does israel have your support regardless of anything that it does? and i do mean literally anything. no matter what it does, will you still support israel?

14:44 I'm talking about Hezbollah, Hamas etc they are the nazis today that want to exterminate Israel. You seem to support them.

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well i don't. 

They wont listen Naomi, such is the hatred of anything Jewish.

We should pity them.

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how do you know i am not jewish?

Untitled, unlike you, I prefer not to allow my imagination to get the better of me. 

Question Author

does israel have your support regardless of anything that it does? and i do mean literally anything. no matter what it does, will you still support israel?

"Hamas actually had full control of Gaza on 6th Oct."

If anyone really believed that they'd be showing their ignorance of the realities of the situation.

Untitled, yes, Israel has my support.

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