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gulliver1 | 10:12 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
27 Answers

Rachel Reeves has been urged to cut the Half a billion pound donation every year to the Royal Family provided by the tax payer, instead of cutting funding to public services and welfare as expected in the coming Budget, to help fund the £22 billion black hole left by the previous Tory Govt.




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Stop giving funds to the Royal Family, they have enough.  Stop giving funds to Third World countries.  Stop giving illegals free everything and send them back.   That might help.  Then give us oldies our heating allowance back.  
13:57 Fri 18th Oct 2024

The don't get half a billion pounds.

Sovereign grant, 2022-2023, £86.3 million.

"  Brand Finance estimates the capital value of the UK Monarchy as a business at £67.5bn  Monarchy’s annual contribution to the UK economy in 2017 is £1.766bn  Annual cost per head is less than £4.50 a year, equal to just over 1p a day.


Gulliver shoots himself in the foot again.

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"The cost of Monarchy is  out of control .It cannot be justified,it is the result of corruption and abuse of public funds by a family with a deep sense of entitlement" Not my words, but do any abers agree.?

Funny how gulliver is able to copy and paste yet can't do links.  This last post of his came from the Republic.  The headline in the thread also looks like it came from there.

We spend 125 times more on foriegn aid for "climate change" initiatives. If something needs cutting it's that.

"Not my words..."

Well come on. Help us out a bit here. Whose words are they?

Don't get bogged down with where the word's come from, they are absolutely spot on! Don't think I will be around long enough to see the end of the royal family in the u.k but think their day's are numbered in Australia. yippee I say..  

Gulliver the intellectual lightweight posts again. 😂

-- answer removed --

O come on TTT - you havent been sneaking again, have you - very thinly veiled rf to villave idiot - how insulting and yet the mods do nothing about it

Gullz I am not sure if there is any capital ( haw haw haw - pun intended) to attacked his maj - they generally pull their weight

If they want to play knights of old and have dressing up gatherings them fund themselves completely.

Bloody farce.

Gulliver the intellectual lightweight posts again. 😂

I thought this was a more valid

Gulliver scatters with a few words  the so called  intellectual lightweights of AB again

quite right ! incredz - I had to read it again - and got the usual crap. Oh stop scrreaming TTT

it's not the cost I object to it's the principle

"Don't get bogged down with where the word's come from,..."

Why not?

Here we have a claim that "...Rachel Reeves has been urged to cut the Half a billion pound donation every year to the Royal Family provided by the tax payer,"

I know where that claim stems from and, unsurprisingly, that same organisation is also calling for the abolition of the Monarchy. Cutting their alleged stipend is simply an interim measure before that abolition is achieved.

However, if we're to have a serious conversation here (and this is the "News" section and not "Jokes") the figures need to be examined.

The claim, for example, includes £150m for security (which is a speculative and unaudited figure seemingly plucked from thin air by the claimants) and a further £96m which "could" be raised in revenue from royal residences if they were used for commercial purposes.

Of course, if we had a President, he or she would presumably require no security, nowhere to use for official occasions and Windsor Castle would be turned ino flats. Yeah, right.

That's why the grown-ups need to "...get bogged down with where the words come from" if a sensible conversation is tto follow.

You may be interested to know that a recent YouGov poll found that over 60% of those polled viewed the Monarchy positively with less than 30% taking the opposite view. So it may be a while before your dream of The Democratic Republic of the United Kingdom materialises.

Stop giving funds to the Royal Family, they have enough.  Stop giving funds to Third World countries.  Stop giving illegals free everything and send them back.   That might help.  Then give us oldies our heating allowance back.  

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Should have cut this taxpayers funding a few years ago it would have stopped Air Miles Andy from his lofty expense claim as he was  flitting around the globe doing what Johnson does when he thinks Carrie isn't looking.

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13.57 For B/A . Spot on.

gulliver, Carrie only needs to look on AB to see what Boris is doing as you report on his every breath and breaking of wind.  

Black holes don't need funding. They'll sit there growing if you simply leave one alone.

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