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Why Is Israel Refusing To Let Independent Journalists Into Gaza?

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sandyRoe | 13:21 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
75 Answers

Those ill disposed to them might say it's because the crimes they've committed are such that the world would be shocked by what they've done there.

That's unlikely, isn't it?  So what is the reason?



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they don't want to let them in because of the horrible things they will find there. it's as simple as that. 
16:35 Sun 20th Oct 2024

@16.51.sandy,if it walks like a duck...etc...

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And no admonishment for those who call me a 'Jew hater'?

See my posting at 16.57 sandy.

Sandy Roe: What exactly is you view about Jewish people?

very true sandy... but israel's propagandists have allowed the word anti semitism to become considerably diluted

the fact of the matter is that israel is a country with a government that makes choices and many people - both jews and non-jews - object to the things that it does in its wicked quest to colonise and conquer gaza and the west bank. i would argue that is in fact anti semitic to suggest that "jews" and "israel" are the same thing... there are many jews who find deplorable what israel does in their name. 

untitled; You'll be lucky to get an intelligent (or even polite) response.

i distrust politeness atheist... my experience is that people use it to disguise very dark things indeed 

untitled: // i would argue that is in fact anti semitic to suggest that "jews" and "israel" are the same thing... there are many jews who find deplorable what israel does in their name. // - perlease! now you are delusional.

What a load of BS to suggest that Israel and Jewishness can be separated.

Pakistan was was created at roughly the same time as Israel. Has anyone seriously suggested that being anti Pakistan is not the same as being anti Pakistani?


ynnafymmi a reminder of the government advice,

"...criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic."

Regardless of how long ago that was issued, it is applicable still.

Conflating criticizm of the Israeli government with criticizm of Israelis and Jews as a whole and claiming they are all anti-Semitic when they are clearly not is wrong

I know that discussions on certain topics can get heated but you cannot just post those unjustifued descriptions without having any regard to the feelings of those you direct them toward.

Please have that in mind in future posts and moderate your language.

@17.20.Remember"im holier than thou","im more intelligent than you hoi-polloi" Atheist?Sorry to tell you this Atheist,but you arent.

@17.30.And what about my feelings TCL,are they ignored or disregarded?

"Has anyone seriously suggested that being anti Pakistan is not the same as being anti Pakistani?"

err... they are not the same lol. i think the genocide of bengalis carried out by pakistan was an evil thing... i do not hold all pakistanis responsible for it and nobody in their right mind would say that it is anti-pakistani. do the same for israel and everyone loses their minds.

thank you for the excellent example tora... it proves my point very well indeed. 

it disproves your BS, the country and the people cannot be separated.

some orthodox jewish groups oppose the existence of israel toratora... this is quite a fringe belief of course but many many jews worldwide oppose what the israeli government does in the occupied territories without opposing israel's existence per se

so yes. Jewishness and israel are separated. it is a fact.

yes they can tora. what a stupid thing to say. 

no they can't untitled what a stupid thing to say.

Untitled,yet you say you have went out on pro-Palestinian terrorist marches,wouldnt you say that there is some kind of anti-semitic Jew hatred inherent in these marches?

Take any country nan apply the same logic.

French great France bad

Americans great America bad

etc etc

it's idiotic in the extreme to say the two things can be separated.

"some orthodox jewish groups oppose the existence of israel toratora..." - show me.

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