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Why Is Israel Refusing To Let Independent Journalists Into Gaza?

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sandyRoe | 13:21 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
110 Answers

Those ill disposed to them might say it's because the crimes they've committed are such that the world would be shocked by what they've done there.

That's unlikely, isn't it?  So what is the reason?



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they don't want to let them in because of the horrible things they will find there. it's as simple as that. 
16:35 Sun 20th Oct 2024

Grow up untitled.  I told you yesterday wanting it to be so doesn't make it so.

i have posted an argument and you have not. all you do is say "no it isn't no it isn't"

Your argument is in your head. 

10:08 ....and there are a 100 times more Irishmen in other countries than in Ireland but I'd still say it's anti Hibernian to want the destruction of Ireland. Give it up untitled you are talking rubbish.

untitled: "americans as a group are not responsible for what the USA government does.." - perlease, a government acts in the name of the people that elected it. Ultimately the two are indivisible. The people may not like what the government does all the time but they can and do remove the government when they get the chance.

-- answer removed --

untitled, you were asked yesterday to stop the personal attacks.  

10:38 what are you talking about? You can't take individual actions and absolve yourself of them. As I said above the people elect the government to act in their interest. Of course individual things happen that not everyone approves of. It is child like niavety to think that citizens can absolve themselves of of responsibility for things they do not agree with. When Blair was doing his party peice in Iraq many did not approve of that but he was acting in our name and we are collectively responsible for putting him in that position, yes you too. I did not even vote New Labour!

Do try and get a grip untitled, you are better than that. Your insults just tell me that you have realised you have lost this one. State and people are not separate entities. End of.

Arguments comparing other nations to Israel are specious.  Israel is unique.

"unique"? well it is the only country in the world where the left wing can hate the country but apparently, not the people!

Of course it's unique.  The reasons for its very existence is unique.

*are* not is.

Millions of jews are not israeli citizens tora and plenty of orthodox jews do not agree with its creation. millions of israeli citizens are not jewish (and are quite mistreated by it for that reason) these are facts not opinions. israel may present itself as a jewish-supremacist state but jews and israel are different thingsand criticism of one is not by definition an attack on the other. plenty of jews are not israeli and want nothing to do with it. you need to broaden your horizons and learn to tolerate a bit of complexity i am afraid... the world is not a punch magazine cartoon

//the world is not a punch magazine cartoon//


Oh the irony.  

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Why is the post at 15:15 yesterday, accusing me of being an anti-Semite Jew hater, still on the board while some of PPs are gone.

It seems some can hurl insults with impunity while others are subjected to strict censorship.

quite sandy. it's not a personal attack if a mod agrees with it! 

It's been removed.


Untitled //...plenty of jews are not israeli and want nothing to do with it.//

From where do you get your information - Al Jazzera ? 

Millions of Jews may not want to live in Israel, but is there a Jew on the planet that doesn't want Israel to survive and prosper ?

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"Israel is unique."

The land being gifted by God to his chosen people. Is that it?


"Millions of Jews may not want to live in Israel, but is there a Jew on the planet that doesn't want Israel to survive and prosper ?"

yes. some orthodox jews oppose its existence. 

one can also want israel to prosper without wanting it to do so at the expense of its palestinian conquests... i actually think israel will be far better off of it lets them go. you may disagree of course but you may not call that anti-semitism. 

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