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This Is A Thread About Peter Lynch

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Clone | 14:22 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
32 Answers

Peter Lynch is a grandfather who has killed himself in HMP Moorland, Peter was aged 61.

Peter did something stupid and wrong but to jail him for two-year and eight-months was also wrong.




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funny how you can get 4 times more for holding up a placard than for an assault.

Nothing in any of the news reports mentions suicide. He had angina, diabetes and thyroid condition and recently had a heart attack. Misinformation was a cause for the rioting and the statement above appears to be misinformation also

No security for the indigenous British but it transpires(Guardian) that between April 2022 and April 2023 mosques were handed a record £3million in taxpayers money for extra security! This was before the protests! How much more have they been handed since and how much was dispensed to Churches or Synagogues? Answers on a pin head to ...   

This country is warped. 

....and about to get more so fries.

Togo,who was in Government in April 2023 and 2023? You can't blame the current carp Government for this.

^^ As Said.
//This was before the protests! How much more have they been handed since//

cf, i have no idea.  i see the perso who did the same before got a suspended sentence.  the fact she took a while to plead guilty an apparently shows no remorse (again, wHy??) means it will push the sentencing up

Sorry,Togo,misread your post.

Starmer and his corrupt 2 tier lawfare system have blood on their hands. Meanwhile the terrorists who were filmed attacking police officers are still amongst us with no charges brought. If we do not begin to show some collective resistance to this destruction of our long held values then it will soon be too late. If you ever doubted that there is a planned dismantling of the UK and a constructed blueprint to take away your heritage then you must now be having second thoughts.   

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