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Kaba Was Core Member Of Brixton Drugs Gang.....

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ToraToraTora | 11:06 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | News
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Who'd have thunk it eh? So they drag a copper over the coals for years and acquit in less than 3 hours. That copper did us all a favour, I look forward to the New Years Honour's list.



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"It's a wonder anyone is prepared to be a firearms officer."Indeed it is Tora.It was telling that a number of firearms officers handed in their accreditation following the suspension of officer Blake and I can't blame them.Mny of tthese ases all have a common theme - an armed officer takes a split second decision to open fire when a matter, literally, of life...
13:52 Tue 22nd Oct 2024

He won't be in the Honours list. He and his family will still be in hiding, probably abroad

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Well the trobiscites did their best to get a copper convicted for doing his job. They now need to look at why the CPS even considered prosecuting the copper. Kaba's criminal past was suppressed including 2 gun incidents in the weeks before the incident where he was shot by the police. Thankfully the jury saw through the left wing conspiracy to jail a career copper for clearing up some vermin for us all.

This has been hanging over an innocent man for years, it took hours for the Jury to clear him. Should they now be looking at the CPS, clearly this is a prosecution out of fear of being labelled racist.

It's a wonder anyone is prepared to be a firearms officer.

Why do all people of colour in these situations have to be automatically be poor victims of police brutality with everyone tiptoing around trying to avoid upsetting communities? If he had been a white career criminal with a history of guns, there wouldn't have been all this fuss.

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His sister and mum where on the roger yesterday claiming to be hard done by. They want a hard working copper who had to make a split second decision to save his colleagues and members of the public, jailed for murder. I hope his colleagues threw a bash for him last night. The CPS need to be looked at, not fit for purpose.

He was found not guilty. What more do you want? That his family should be arrested?

Cant you read Atheist?  TTT clearly states what he wants, more than once and I agree with him.

And no, its nothing to do with his familly.

Remember YMB,Atheist is a lot,lot,lot more clever than the rest of us hoi-polloi.🤣

Legend in his own mind.

"It's a wonder anyone is prepared to be a firearms officer."

Indeed it is Tora.

It was telling that a number of firearms officers handed in their accreditation following the suspension of officer Blake and I can't blame them.

Mny of tthese ases all have a common theme - an armed officer takes a split second decision to open fire when a matter, literally, of life and death of either him, his colleagues or the public is at stake. M'Learned Friends then pore over that split second in minute detail, in agreeable surroundings, for many months before deciding to stand the poor sod up at the Old Bailey for ridding society of a worthless piece of excrement. The victim, hitherto portrayed as a fine upstanding pillar of the community, loved by everybody around him and who fell victim to  brutalist and (usually) racist police force, is exposed as a violent thug.

The police (together with the CPS) need to be very careful. If they continue to do this there will be fewer and fewer officers prepared to undertake armed duties. It must be hard enough going to work each day knowing there is  strong likelihood  you will be called to deal with somebody like Kaba, who will stab you or shoot you at the drop of a hat. But it must be so much harder to have in your mind that if you do discharge your weapon (which you have been given, along with authority to use it in just such circumstances) you will find yourself in the dock facing the very same charges as those you were trying to prevent being committed. 

I know every man is somebody's son, brother or father, but I really don't know how Kaba's family have the effrontery to appear on the telly complaining that their boy has been the innocent victim of racist police brutality. Kaba lived by violence; it was embedded in his lifestyle. He died by it and the world has become a slightly better place for that.

By the wy, I hope nobody points me to Jean Charles de Menezes. That was a tragic mistake. But there is the world of difference between an officer making a genuine mistake in the course of his duty and him facing serious criminal charges for that mistake. 

Let's hope all the bleeding heart liberals who were outside the court yesterday slink away and belt the eff up now they know he was a scumbag.

I bet he was good to his old mum......a diamond-geezer......

etc. etc. etc.

"Despite having been cleared by the criminal courts, Sgt Blake could still face the sack if the IOPC seeks a gross misconduct finding against him."

Beggars belief.

YMB. It hasn't happened, so best not to get too het up for the time being.

Give over, they should have quashed that the minute the Jury came back.

I don't know the rules and procedures.

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bang on judge, BA. What's your view on the CPS should they be looked at for this monumental error?

Will his Audi Q8 be returned to his family i wonder?

Was it his?

Not sure,YMB,as i asked earlier he must have a good job to afford one of these motors,even the insurance he would have to pay for it would have been mega-bucks.Err,what line of work was he in again?

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