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Trump Wanted Generals Like Hitler Had

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Untitled | 22:16 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
74 Answers

according to john kelly who was his chief of staff

kamala harris has called him a fascist who desires unchecked power and a military who is loyal to him and not the country

how refreshing to see a politician call this demented old man what he is! 



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Nice, the kind of rhetoric that will empower another shooter.


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according to kelly trump quite likes hitler

Reeks Of Desperation

Trump's ambitions, if he's re-elected, might inspire a latter day Von Stauffenberg.

It's being discussed on Newsnight now.

Hitler had some good generals - has anyone said?

Rommel fr'instance Mannheim was another

Trump's ambitions, if he's re-elected, might inspire a latter day Von Stauffenberg.

he has already inspired one or two - (encompassed his death and then screwed it up)

also being discussed on Peston in a suitably limp marxist fashion

As PP has indicated, Erwin Rommel commanded considerable respect from Montgomery and the Desert Rats during WWII and is still widely regarded as one of the greatest military strategists of all time.

He does a pretty good Mussolini with the jutting chin and all.

As Bob Mortimer said, 'sniper's dream'.

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i don't think he meant generals "like rommel"... i think he meant military commanders loyal to him rather than to the country

Well timed.

Pathetic sniping by keyboard warriors yet again.

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keyboard warriors like his former chief of staff??

it is funny isn't it how many people who work closely with trump end up denouncing him... including people who would normally be considered conservative or right-wing

bit of a clue that is

Curious how such shocking revelations surface so late in the day.

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So this is old news being regurgitated to suit the occasion.  Not news at all then.

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any thoughts on trump's admiration for hitler? doesn't it make you rethink your support of him?

The lefties are running scared of having a successful President re-elected, rather than the useless continuation candidate.  Surprise surprise.  How much lower are they going to stoop?

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