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Three Lebanese Journalists Killed In An Israeli Attack On...

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sandyRoe | 13:12 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
88 Answers

...a guest house in Southern Lebanon.

The Israelis do seem to think the ongoing butchery they're committing is best conducted with as little press coverage as possible.

Agree or not?



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Oh,dear,what a shame,never mind.More blood on the Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorists hands.

Dont agree.

And I suspect, asmper every other similar post, only your and your terrorist loving buddy will.

Hamas started all this. 

@13.40.Yes,they did,if the Hamas terrorists hadnt started this war on 7th October last year then there would be thousands of innocent people still living.But trying telling that to all the Hamas/Hez bo llah apologists on this site.

More victims of Hamas, next!

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On Oct 6th last year was all in the Middle East peace and prosperity?

The weapons that kill innocents are made in the USA, and possibly the UK, and aimed by Israelis to kill, with no regard for innocent people.

Those who support mass murder must have a very strange mindset.

Perhaps you should address your posting at 13.56 to your Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorist friends sandyRoe ,rather than to us on Answerbank.

"On Oct 6th last year was all in the Middle East peace and prosperity?" - yes and what happened the next day? Wriggle all you like sunshine but your terrorist buddies caused all that has happened since. Start thinking straight for a change.

Go to the front during a war, and dying or getting hurt, is a risk one has agreed to take. The world doesn't stop turning for reporters.

I can find any journos killed on D day and....

Reporters Without Borders tallied 63 journalists who died over a 20-year period ( in vietnam)

I am surprised the usuall suspects have  not triumphantly seized upon the Gaza journo  who filmed the latest airstrike killing god  knows how many  kids under 12

and was asked "what about Hamas" - -  " They protect us" - oops - golly gosh, more dead babies I predict

( substitute Leb, hizbullahi, school, journo if needed )

Too many dead mothers and babies in Gaza ( at least 20 000)

end of

Once again,thank you for your input Peter.(Yawn).

Hi ynni -  yawn about dead babies if you will - it reflects the world's indifference

More bombs, more peace, more dead  people !

You've got your geography ske-whiff, sandyRoe.  The Israelis don't have jurisdiction over the presence of journalists in Lebanon.  


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But they killed them, nonetheless.

A question for the supporters of Israel, If they suspected a Hamas volunteer was in a crowd of innocence men, women, and children, what number would make them hold their hand? 10, 20, 50, or 100?

I fear, Sandy, that both sides are happy to let their respective gods sort it out, that is the absolute bottom line insanity of the whole situation.

sandyRoe, a similar question could be asked of those who support the 'Freedom Fighters' who slaughtered in cold blood on 7 October and took innocent people, including children, hostage.  I prefer to call them barbarians.  

Yeah, I was gonna roar with laughter over that one: no jurisdiction over the Lebanese journos but still had the power of life or death

skewoff - we agree on that one !

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Is answering a question with a question a proper method of debate?

Go on, Naomi24, how many would you see killed in order that one Hamas volunteer was numbered in the body count?

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