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Tommy Robinson Jailed...

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DDIL | 12:51 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | News
78 Answers

For contempt of court for approx 18 months

"Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted 10 breaches of a High Court order made in 2021 during a hearing in Woolwich Crown Court."



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with respect m'lud, I think you have mistaken  the "question" - the usual suspects are up in arms (pun intended) by Tommy  being charged under a section of the Terrorism Act ( to wit failing to give a PIN on reasonable demand) 

answer: because failing to give a PIN is an offence under a  statute labelled "terrorism"

People ( rt thinking people on AB hem hem) wd prefer if it were " Naughty Boys and PINs Act" - but  there isnt one. The offence is specified under Terrorism - cue prolonged squawking on AB

It really is something the ABers have to get over, unknot their knickers and get on with their lives

"with respect m'lud, I think you have mistaken  the "question" - the usual suspects are up in arms (pun intended) by Tommy  being charged under a section of the Terrorism Act ( to wit failing to give a PIN on reasonable demand)"

I don't think I have. I explained why I believe he has been charged under the Terrorism Act. Beyond that we would stray into the realms of whether or not he's guilty (i.e. whether the Act applies to him in the circumstances the police allege) and I don't think it wise that we do that. 

wisdom - ha ! good one, m'lud for AB !

but surely mlud  you are aware of the ruling / opinion on social  media such as this was unlikely to prejudice a trial more especially if it were a judge only jobby

"Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court "


Sure. But there are options as to the penalty. Gaol, fine, both, costs. One might think that ignoring the rule after it became moot from already being exposed might make it a lesser issue and consequently a minimal penalty.

If you deliberately defy an instruction from the court you are in contempt, he has admitted that, he has been sentenced.

The video may have had 50 odd million views, that does not mean that number of people have seen it. I haven't, for example.

"Under legislation passed under the left-wing Tony Blair administration, authorities can demand that anyone passing through a British port hand over electronic devices “to determine whether they may be involved or concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism.” Has this legistative authority ever been used before? How many people with electronic devises have been asked to allow access prior to TR being asked? Did you know that every time you pass through a port that you can be asked to hand over your phone or pc with the pin numbers and passwords? The illegals seem to have no such inconveniences or threats to their liberty. Why would this be do you think? Do you think?  

That's part of the problem Togo. You can think, but you cannot express. Two tier maybe?

I'll ask again.

Why did Kirklees council paid out a fortune in NDA's?

Why did the authorities think it necessary to gag the  headmaster, teachers and the caretaker? 



Where's Tommy Robinson and who have they locked up?

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Clone - start your own thread.

What on earth are you whinging at now?

You're a bit of a crybaby.

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And you are a moronw

He committed a crime, pleaded guilty and was sentenced. Boo hoo.

Don't worry Tommy fans. He'll be out in a couple of months thanks to the lefty liberal woke parole system.

Ddil, you have started a thread on something you clearly no nothing about.

Why have you done that?


Did you just want to type 'real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon' to show how clever you are?

That is actually a thing you know.

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I wanted to see if a thread in news could stay on point.

But it can't. Thanks to you and other TR fans

The Kirklees council NDA's are on point.

why does one need to know more than x hs been jailed for y to post that x has been jailed for y?

if people were limited to posting about only things they have an extensive knowledge on, there'd be no posts!

pus who would you suggest the arbiter of if one knows enough to post were?

The gagged employees at the school would have blown the case against Andrew McMaster real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon apart.

That's why they were not allowed to talk. 

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