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Tommy Robinson Jailed...

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DDIL | 12:51 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | News
59 Answers

For contempt of court for approx 18 months

"Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted 10 breaches of a High Court order made in 2021 during a hearing in Woolwich Crown Court."



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Was that before it had been shoqn and become common knowledge, or when the gagging order became no longer relevant as all had seen it ?

The Raving Mod at 1.02pm.


Indeed there is a thread about the thug Labour MP, and on that thread dealing with Amesbury's violence, in a post timed at 11.34am, Mone, Hancock, Johnson and Gove were raised, so care to give a similar warning on that thread?

If he's been jailed for contempt of court, what happened to the charge for which he was arrested - terrorism?

og, the first line in the link should help clear it up

"Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court "

again naomi, it's in the link

-- answer removed --

"Yaxley-Lennon has been separately charged with failing to unlock his phone for police when he was stopped and questioned at a port under counter-terrorism powers. He will next appear in court in relation to that allegation in November."


My concern for the safety of Waxy-Lemon while he's in prison is hardly stirring.

Which of us wouldn't be concerned for the welfare of inmates?

Bednobs, that tells me he was stopped under counter terrorism powers which isn't news.  We knew that.  So what happened? There's no indication of why he was subjected to that and he's not been jailed in relation to it.

you asked "what happened to the charge for which he was arrested - terrorism"

and according to the link what happened was he's going tp appear in court in november


But they're not telling us why.  Odd.

i think you'll find there is a different post about that further down naomi

I don't think it's unusual for completely different offences to be considered separately rather than being rolled into one trial.

I know there's another thread on it, bednobs, but that doesn't explain it either. I guess they'll think of something before his next court appearance.

In Starmerland the judiciary are taking control.

Politicians make laws. Judiciary makes sure that the laws are obeyed. Judges are not 'enemies of the people' and unlike in the USA and elsewhere, they are not appointed by the current PM or president.

Judges are not 'enemies of the people' 



They're certainly not if you're a peadophile type of person.

How many have they let walk free this month?

Won't deport an Indian peadophile because he won't be able to see his kids. I doubt the mother of the kids wants him anywhere near them.


Best place for the irresponsible rabble-rouser.

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Clone, please stay on topic (Tommy Robinson) and not on what ever criminal you pull up to try and prove a point.

"So what happened? There's no indication of why he was subjected to that and he's not been jailed in relation to it."

"I guess they'll think of something before his next court appearance."

No need, naom. It's already been thought of:

"Yaxley-Lennon has been separately charged with failing to unlock his phone for police when he was stopped and questioned at a port under counter-terrorism powers. He will next appear in court in relation to that allegation in November."

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