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Tommy Robinson Jailed...

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DDIL | 12:51 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | News
65 Answers

For contempt of court for approx 18 months

"Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted 10 breaches of a High Court order made in 2021 during a hearing in Woolwich Crown Court."



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Fool to himself.

I sense a lot of arousal in lefty land!

Should put him in with this chap:


Let me tidy that up for you Tora.



You're welcome.

Well, that's him out of their hair for a while.  I wonder if he'll get early release in Mr Starmer's next batch?

TORATORATORA this thread is about "Tommy Robinson" and his contempt of court sentence.

There is already another thread about the MP so do not attempt to derail this one.

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Not a hope in hell Naomi.

The arrest on the weekend was interestin; under the terrorism Act. TR is a rabble rouser but I am pretty sure he has no links to terrorism whatsoever.

Meanwhile the Manchester 3 are still on the loose and a woman PC is still recovering from their actions.

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Tes TTT, sadly thois persons actions are truly bringing the site odwn.  I have noted its not just you either.

Question Author

Could you please stick to the subject of the OP or go and start another thread.

Thank you

DDIL, what are your thoughts on this (TR)?

Question Author

I think TR deserves everything he gets.

He would not keep his mouth shut when advised due to ongoing court cases.

Naming an idividual that had nothing to do with any cases was stupid.

I also think that TR is a bigot but I suspect that his jail term will just turn him into a hero for his like minded followers.

I agree he should keep his trap shut when there is a Court order but nothing else, he is entitlted to his opinion much as you would like to shut him up.

Why is he a bigot in your mind?

Question Author

You asked for my opinon on the story and I gave it to you.


Surely the video existed before any gagging order, and the claim is that someone else in a different country put it into the public domain. It's unclear to me how that results in TR getting gaolled.

couldn't happen to a finer person - shame that they didn't make it 18 years....

it might become clearer og if you read the link in the op?

Will the prison authorities take steps to ensure that Waxy-Lemon is safe from political opponents while he's their guest?

I believe there's a place in most prison called the nonces wing where prisoners at risk of assault are held.

Question Author

Sandy can you please stop trying to stir the pot and pop that wooden spoon away.

OG, Extract from the OP. 

Eventually, this July, Yaxley-Lennon showed the film to thousands of his supporters in Trafalgar Square, saying he would not be silenced. The following day he left the country.


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