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Could Trump Save The West's Decline ?

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Khandro | 07:44 Fri 06th Dec 2024 | News
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'fraid not - we're all doomed.

Even if Trump achieves something for his nation it ain't going to be useful for Europe. Quite the reverse probably. And what with the HoC passing a PMB regarding PR so we can contemplate joining the common idiocy seen in mainland Europe, any sign is that things could get worse as compromise and ineffective governance spreads and stays over Europe.

Hopefully he will start to show the way by exposing the idiocy of Marxist policies and Nut Zero.

Drill baby Drill.

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OG //Even if Trump achieves something for his nation it ain't going to be useful for Europe. Quite the reverse probably.//

If he forces the EU countries to cough up more for NATO that alone will be a benefit. Also highlighting the uselessness of the UN and their risible 'peace-keeping force'. 

And btw, with which of his policies do you not agree. ?

I can also think nothing done by this disastrous Labour government with which he would agree or enact; he wouldn't remove winter fuel allowance for the elderly (probably increase it!) rob the farming community of their inheritance, or indirectly give away the Chagos Islands to an enemy (China).

Just think; - if only we'd had Kamilla Harris instead..  

it's a bit like asking if bubos can save you from the plague

//he wouldn't remove winter fuel allowance for the elderly (probably increase it!)//


Oh yes; he has promised to revoke ‘Obama-care’ which many of the MAGA idiots approve of – not realising that ‘Obama-care’ is aka ‘The Affordable Care Act’ that provides access to healthcare for millions of the poorer citizens in the USA.


It shouldn’t take long before many Americans realise they voted for policies against their own interest.

Well, they've elected him twice so they know what they're getting.  Maybe they're seeing something you're missing, Hymie.

Trump also said that he would end the Ukraine/Russia conflict (in a day) before he enters the White House (on 20 January) – time is ticking on that one.

As for the UK giving away the Chagos Islands; I’m old enough (just) to remember the Wilson government kicking the indigenous population off the islands (so that the US could use it as a military base), claiming falsely that they were contract workers.


How would you feel if someone came along and kick us off the British Isles; would you be upset if they gave it us back, 60 years later?

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Hymie You misrepresent the facts by, 'he has promised to revoke ‘Obama-care’  There was no proposal for the complete removal of care for needy.  His aim was at  people who were able to afford health insurance but chose not to buy it. 

Hymie whats happening in your beloved EU.

///MAGA idiots//

I dont agree so I am going to demean them.

Do you realise how you sound?

Breathtaking comment from Tora Lite. 🤣

Dont do so bad yourslef sometimes do you Douglas.

You're right, but I don't pretend otherwise, unlike your good 'slef'. 😄




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ooh, same link

Trump is a symptom of the West's decline, not a cure for it.

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Atheist //Trump is a symptom of the West's decline, not a cure for it.//

Why do you left-wing anti Trumpers only talk in non-sequiturs, never coherent arguments ?

Tell us why you think Trump is a  'symptom of the West's decline'. Which of his policies do you not agree with - Curbing Immigration & securing borders, The EU's absurd bureaucracy and it's restrictive ECHR. Demanding more financial support for NATO from countries benefiting from it, Support for Israel, Drilling for oil and gas, Wokeness in all its forms, Iran's evil regime and more. 

What and why are you against any of these things & how do you think they contribute to the decline of the West?



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