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Protect Us From Putin?

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ToraToraTora | 10:35 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | News
4 Answers

Who's going to protect us from Labour! Putin won't have to do anything, we are throttling ourselves with this net zero/green energy cobras.



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i agree with him. an economy dependent on fossil fuels for energy will forever be dependent on the market for fossil fuels which is manipulable. green energy is not only cleaner but far more stable and secure. 

The only reliably available "green" energy that Britain can have is nuclear - which is not always stable and secure.

(assuming tidal energy is ruled out for the foreseeable)

i think nuclear energy is pretty good. 

// far more stable and secure. //

provided the sun shines and the wind blows. last week the weather did practically neither and the average amout of power supplied by renewables for the week was barely above 5GW, and on Wednesday was practically zero (although Saturday boosted output to 15GW) (source: National Grid Live - cannot supply specific link to the graph, you need to find that for yourself from the various drop downs).

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