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Inflation Down

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nicebloke1 | 10:36 Wed 15th Jan 2025 | News
36 Answers

Inflation down in December, thought I would report this good news on AB, normally it only gets a look in if it goes up. Hope you can all cope with this good news?



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In the grand scheme of the almighty cockup of a budget it is small fry.

And wait until April and then watch inflation.

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Small fry increases are normally reported on AB, I can understand the disapointment. The other good news is that no pensioners have froozen or starved to death. Supermarkets have  almost been giving food away.<:0)

You just make things up dont you.

If not show us the proof.

One swallow doesn't make a summer!!

Inflation is not down The rate of increase is down, mainly due to lower prices in restaurants and cafes etc. i.e. people have no money so the leisure industries have cut prices. Next they lose staff then they close. 

isnt that the same thing togo?  All the usual news outlets are reporting it as a fall

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Here come the happy jacks. I bet theres a few searching the internet right now looking for the slightest bit of inflated negative. <:0)

"...isnt that the same thing togo? "

To anyone who knows what the figures mean, it is the same thing. Alas many people do not know what the figures mean and they think, when they see the headline "inflation down" that prices are dropping.

To quote from the ONS summary:

"The largest downward contribution to the monthly change in ....CPI annual rates came from restaurants and hotels; the largest upward contribution to both came from transport."

So the largest contributor to the reduction came from what, for most people, is discretionary spend whilst the smallest was from what, for most people, is necessary spend.

Rachel from complaint's budget hasn't kicked in yet. This time next year it will be sky high and so will interest rates.



Instead of going on the offensive, why don't you just check online. It's on plenty of news sites.

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Next year? Burn the news if you wish, close your eyes to it if you wish, down is better than up. The biggest problem in this country is not always government, its the negative attitude of the masses that live here. No country is, or ever will be a bed of roses, add the negativity we have and you have little hope of ever making further improvement.

Why should i Moz, if someone makes a claim then back it up, and I am not talking about the inflation figure.

You really dont understyand do you nicebloke.  NJ has laid it out very plainly but till you refuse to get it.

Really not worth the time posting to you.

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Do me a big favour then and dont post. <:0)

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Oh, the post is about inflation.<:0)

//its the negative attitude of the masses that live here.//


It wasn't "the masses" that invented a £22billion imaginary black hole and announced it to the money markets, or who spent 3 months in the Summer of 2024 telling the whole World that the economy was in dire straits despite all previous figures and reports saying the oposite. Perhaps the masses know better than the dopey bird from accounts who is now telling everyone that everything is tickety boo despite it being another fantasy from her echo chamber of self regard. 

P.S a link wasn't supplied because every link talks about the very thing that I mentioned and Judge nailed down. But you knew that. 

I saw that. Wondered if prices were down to desperation by retailers to make Xmas sells when few had the money to spend.  Have to see whether it was a blip or a trend.

Inflation tends to be about the rate of price increases. Otherwise it would either be negative, or deflation.

//Oh, the post is about inflation.<:0)//

So why did YOU poar those claims at 10:51?

Go on back them up with hard evidence.

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