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Now They Are Going To Steal From Defined Benefit Schemes....

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ToraToraTora | 16:43 Tue 28th Jan 2025 | News
20 Answers

OK so they are in surplus for now, not that long ago they were not.

Another disgusting act of theft from pensioners by this insidious shower of a government. They won't be happy until they have totally halted saving for retirement. What's the point? Do nowt your whole life get given everything for free anyway. Sadly though they'll quickly run out of other peoples money to spend.

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What could go wrong?🙄

Your desperate attempts to rubbish the Government selected by a record majority of the People reaches a new low. And as usual is full of unsupported hypothesis of your own making. Man up and accept you lost.

//the Government selected by a record majority of the People//

OH DEAR! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Since when has 20% been a majority? Your increasingly desperate attemps to defend this showeer that you claim to not have voted for are highly amusing canary! PMSL!

Look at the actual link and tell me you are happy that they intend to plunder what they see as the current "surplus" of defined benefit schemes.

I thought the AB rightish wingish branch considered benefits as only for workshy scum and foreigners.

Err,Atheist,nothing to do with the question,but why did you ditch the Corbyn avatar?Did Corbyns anti-semitism finally get to you?

"under current rules much of the money is trapped and cannot be invested in the wider economy."

Trapped, no doubt, for a very good reason.  I hope it stays trapped.

Are they channelling Robert Maxwell?

Corbyn/McDonnell may have been better (& probably more honest) than the current lot.

"The consultation on pensions reform hopes to unlock billions of pounds within certain defined benefit schemes for alternative use in the economy, the pension schemes or the company.

The previous Conservative government launched a similar consultation last year."

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17:04 agent Cob actually got more votes in 2019.

ynnafymmi, I think that was a self-portrait.

re-distribution of wealth ehh

"What I will say is that growth is the number one priority, wealth creation, making sure that people are better off.

"Of course, we also have climate commitments, but growth is really important too."

Dear Keir

Please have your operatives put an accurate, checkable figure on how much the invasion is costing, per week will do, then take that figure and put it in the 'growth' pot.

Keep the climate taxation in place if you must but plug the sewer please.

"Your desperate attempts to rubbish the Government selected by a record majority of the People reaches a new low."


I didn't think it was possible, but what has reached a new low is your ability to get something wrong.

Didn't Gordon Brown raid the pensions when he was in office?

Question Author

no Brown did not. He changed the rules about tax on dividends.

totally garbled

pension warning needed - reading this may hurt your brayne ( and  then : it hurt mine)

raving with added rhyming slang and liberally salted wiv 'foos' doesn make a logical  whole

but we really kinda always knew  that

Didn't Gordon Brown raid the pensions when he was in office? 

no Brown did not. He changed the rules about tax on dividends.

erm yes he did. If you have no idea about pensions and tax law, it is time to keep silent

Prior to Brown a pension accumulation was (EET)

( wot EET den etc other gormless stupid comments)

Contrib ( tex exampt) accumulation ( tax exempt) and pay out ( T axed)

AB cries of foo - waht dat den foo foo foo !

In the UK, private pensions use an “exempt, exempt, taxed” (EET) model for income tax: Exempt: People do not pay income tax on pension contributions, although there are limits on these contributions. Exempt: People do not pay income tax if their pension investments increase in value.14 Oct 2024

Brown changed this to E E(T) T

some acumulation was taxed  -E(T) see? more cries of foo !

this wrecked the pension system and was referred to a Broonz tax raid - and although he was warned - he said I am doing it anyway

any other catastrophic decisions - yeah PFI for the NHS

o god TTT cant you  crawl back under froggie your  stone and croak " Breaaax" ( thx to Aristophanes, the er Frogs 350 BC)

and yes at a leaving party 15 y after I retired, A queue formed with men who said "everyone who took your advice on the pensions changes  has been able to retire early". I  looked suitably moribund


//I thought the AB rightish wingish branch considered benefits as only for workshy scum and foreigners.//

Do you know what a defined benefit scheme actually is?

Looks like Mr clever doesnt!

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