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hot cross buns

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laurence2 | 13:43 Sun 05th Feb 2006 | News
61 Answers

I,ve just read in the paper of a school BANNING the cross on a hot cross buns, This is one of the historic traditions of the church of ENGLAND, apparently the headmistress did,nt want the children {5-11year olds} upset from the religious minorities

is this just another case of political correctness going mad AGAIN

Whilst where on the subject is their anything else we should change to satisfy all faiths



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Symbols mean different things to different people. I find the symbol of the cross just as offensive to my sensibilities as a swastika. To me both represent blind allegiance to an ideology of unreason not to be questioned. One symbol represents racial supremacy; the other represents sacrifice of the good for the sake of the evil. Both have a following which has led to brutal wars.
Soldiers die in battle when people have failed, through reason, to agree upon what constitutes a justifiable and worthwhile existence and how this is to be or can be peacefully achieved. Seeking guidance from nonexistent or undefined sources can only frustrate attempts to apply reason to solving this problem. When we accept that this life is the only known existence we have then employing reason to answering these questions exhibits great advantage to 'fighting over the solution'.
Hot cross buns, one a penny or two a penny, are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Its only a bluddy cake!!

Note to myself - must remember not to open my baked tattie in the shape of a cross in case I offend someones faith.That is how utterly petty it could become.

I am actually laughing at that last post before mine -' hot cross bun is only the tip of the iceberg'.

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Drisgirl, Imagine mibn2cweus going into the bakers, You would,nt want to be behind him, or in front for that case. I was going mention Doughnuts, Now theirs a Debate ?
laurence - you have to laugh.Thankfully you didnt bring up the issue of fairy cakes - say no more!!
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Drisgirl, I,m relatively new to this site, You no when you read some post, you try to put a face/description of the person sending the post, And i swear their are people on this site who were in Jack nicolsons { one flew over the cuckoos nest}.

Sorry losing track of my own question, Lucky i did'nt bring up spotted dick ?

That would have been posted in Body and Soul laurence!!!

British Christians must be the laughing stock of the world's religions.We bend over backwards not to offend other beliefs.Do they?

Little wonder we are the laughing stock.We (well I'm not including myself) bring it on ourselves with ridiculousy nonsensical attention making decisions.

We (again,I do not include myself) appear to embrace other cultures.I think they would rather just be left alone to celebrate privately hteir own faith.They are probably bemused by all this furore.I am (not difficult mind you)

Drisgirl, Many have given much to secure our right to believe as we choose. Is it too much to ask that we acknowledge the gift they have given us by not shoving "a bluddy cake" under their children�s nose? You should feel free to "open your baked tattie" and eat it too; even with ketchup, if you so desire. Just don't tell me that innocent children must partake in your rituals because your faith tells you so.

laurence2, I don,t believe I will be eating any of your doughnuts or what have you either but when you go to the baker's be sure to ask him for a cream filled fairy cake. . . and you just might ask him if his name is Jack.

Laurence ?????


P.S laurence there could be a fatwah on you - watch your back for the immediate future.I already have made provisions to leave the country for a secret destination.
Well I think if people want to come and live in this country then they should follow our culture, tradition, beleifs and not try and change things. If they want to beleive in their ways then why not stay in their own country?
save the CB
Its just another one of these Politically Correct idiots that are allowing our country to be driven into the ground by pandering to what the government want, I believe the government are too scared of the repercussions by putting sanctions on the muslims and so are all of these idiots that are *.*.*.* scared of upsetting the muslims, why should they get all the respect, they are alien to this country! Take a look at Abu Hamza if you think I'm gibbering on with a load of racist rant, a prime example of what is happening when you let the muslims get their own way all the time! Back to the matter in hand though, banning the cross on hot cross buns comes as no surprise to me, its all part of the new labour plan to denationalise Britain to make it easier for the muslims to take over and so we'll have the islamic state of britistan!!

I believe it is important to consider the reason for banning the bun; if this is done simply to appease another�s religious (or lack of) beliefs than forget about it. I do not agree with shoving ones religious symbolism under another�s nose at mealtime, nevertheless, if one is free to accept or refuse an offer made in a spirit of charity than those offering the �gift� have every right to cross their buns if they so choose; and if a parish priest happens to be lurking about this might not be such a bad idea.

You are fortunate to live in a country that pleases you and you are right to want to protect it from harm. This will not be achieved by showing disrespect for those who share your appreciation. Not every �invader� means to cause harm to you or your country but blanket exclusion will not work indefinitely and will only arouse resentment. Consider what it would be like for you if you had not been born here but wanted to stay their just as much as you do now. Show some discretion when determining who should stay and who should go. These days it is ever more important to make friends wherever they can be found. Do not build the wall so high that you cannot see whether it is your friend or foe who is knocking at the door. Banning the bun will not eliminate war but cross or no cross it is certainly not worth starting one.

Now, where did I see that recipe? All this bickering over the banning of the bun has left me hungry enough to bake a bake a hot cross bun and eat it too. Hmmmm . . . ketchup ? ? ?

I think marwel7 and Mitsy speek for most of the country with there replies Ive never classed myself as racist in anyway but this country is stirring up a load of dislike to other races and religions
I just read the news article off the link above, all I can say is, FOR F**KS SAKE!!!! time to get a grip, hen!!!
Like someone said on another thread, and it is a long held belief of mine, that this countrys government has more or less moved heaven and earth to accomodate and appease the muslims and other faiths that have came here, we have let them build their mosques and the like, but if you or I went to Iraq or Pakistan or somewhere and attempted to build a Church or told them that something that they did offended me as a christian, they would be long in telling me to get lost! THATS the difference between us and them, the powers that be are like that headteacher, soft and will ban anything that the British Council of Muslims dissaprove of, it don't work the other way round! If you go and live in another country you live by THEIR rules not the ones from where you have come from, you drop all the customs that you know and take on theirs.

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