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Drisgirl | 19:50 Mon 13th Feb 2006 | News
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I am bemused.Tom Bradbury on discussing Gordon Brown potentially being the next PM - said he may be too Scottish for the English middle class.(Leaving aside Tony Blair is Scottish).

What does that infer?Surely any nationality within GB are entitled to be PM.Are we deemed inferior or could that be interpreted as a racist remark?



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I had to leave the day after they televised 'Braveheart', the memory of those hoardes of gingerhaired, trans-gender cross-dressers in billowing skirts charging down the high street screaming 'Freedom!' still sends shivers down my spine.

Build that wall back up I say, keep 'em out. The peasants are revolting (You can say that again). What did the Scotch ever do for us?

You can keep yer 'Bay city rollers', ya tuneless, haggis eatin' bagpipe howlin, bam pots!

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The Scotch does a lot for me when I'm cold.Hot Toddy - best drink to cosy you up in the world!!

Shang-a-Lang:) Went to see them in Perth - the memories.I was only 2 at the time but I have a great memory - hence my IQ but thats a different story.

Come out the closet Stevie - you know you want to -you are a Scot and you are denying yourself.We will embrace you and welcome you back into the fold my son:)

I am going to make it my mission in life to find out where you were.I'm subtle so you wont even notice my interogation techniques:)

And another thing, 'flower of Scotland' !!! Anti-English, every word. 'send us haem to think again' will ya.

Well we've had yer oil, and all you've got left now are bloody midges, tartan sporans and plus four wearing dozy American tourists. Hands up who thinks we should bomb the place, or if not, should we try and take democracy and civilisation to these heathens?

Bet they won't thank us for it. Although to be fair they're not as 'work shy' as the bloody Welsh, warbling, daffodil waving, crippled 'on the sick' benefit scroungers!

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Noticed you've hi-jacked our National Anthem tho.Cant even think of one for yourselves.

You are so threatened by the superiority of the Scots - a small nation but you wouldnt be typing your racist twaddle had it not been for a Scotsman.Give me a midgie any day-better than a cream tea.We have so got you all licked.

Stevie - dont fight it anymore.Sleep on it and you're mind will be clearer in the morning (west coast-I'm thinking - prob Uni because the education system is superior: and he can string a few words together:).Oops- did I type out loud-sorry-just ignore me!

I'm for anything that lifts the curse of Tony Bliar off of Britain, we have put up with that molar showing muppet for 9 years too long, I hate him with a passion you can only dream of!! Gordon Brown, is different, I'm not sure whether I like him or not, he is certainly less of a repugnant reptile than Bliar, but I'm not sure if he is any more credible or trustworthy, he has made a bit of a mess of our economy, its not a strong as he would suggest! As for the idiotic statement about him being Scottish, I think that hardly matters, at least he is British, what would the English middle classes rather have? A Mohammed wearing a dishcloth on his bonce hardly able to speak english??? Be honest with yourself, thats no more racist than objecting to a scot!

Stevie- Shove yir heid doon the nearest lavvie!!!!!! How dare you rip Scots off like that when we have muslims to slag off!!!!!!!
And another thing, what did SCOTS ever do for you????? Well I will educate you thick ignorant sassenachs! We invented the Telephone, the Pneumatic Tyre, The Television (I know its debatable, It was actually Blumline but Baird gets the credit!) we invented Antiseptics, Penicillan, Raincoats (England is wet too!), We made the finest steel in the world until Thatcher put the knife in, the Thermos, in fact quite a lot of the everyday stuff that we all use, and what were the English doing while that was going on? Getting ****** on mead and goosing all the women!!!!! So get oot my face, goin, ****** off!!!!
You also gave us the Scottish,infallible cure for seasickness,by leaning over the side of the ship with a ten pence piece in your teeth.

Bit early in the day to be 'off yer heed' on special brew isn't it 78?

I think there is only one way can settle this thing (seeing as you bu**ers keep on coming over the wall, with your blue painted faces and Presbyterian morality, and don�t even get me started on the �och eye th new� gibberish that comes spitling out of your mouths, even on the rare occasions you're sober!), and that's on the field of battle. England 'v' Scotland, 25th Feb.

'Swing low sweet chariot'

'See you jimmy'!

We've already seen off those sheep worrier's, and your next, me bonnie princessess! Grrrr c'mon.

whoever is prime minister from whatever party,and wherever in the uk he will come from, it never takes too long before they become the object of loathing and ridicule whatever they brown and cameron will find out..
You are talking to a tee total scot, so I'm not aff mah heid oan carlie special, buckie, or any other powerful brew! Believe it or not I'm sat here, in normal clothes, with no face paint, without the merest hint of tartan on my person or in my house, and I do not spend the day saying 'och aye the noo', that the reserve of teuchter bumpkins from the shetland isles who do indeed s*ag the occasional sheep! You are so perfect, tell me, what about when England are playing abroad? The police are in riot gear and the shopkeepers flee when you lot are in town, cos you are total cavemen when ******, it has been many years since Scots caused that kind of trouble! Shove it up your a*se, John!!!!!
stevie_c2it-; Don't give me any of that presbyterian sh*te neither, the 'wee frees' as we call them are a shower of little busybody morons who dress up in tweed and are so dour faced, one would think they had a pole surgically inserted up their a*se, you only see these people during the hours of daylight on a Sunday, driving to the church in their Nissan Micras at 7 MPH! They are not the large part of Scotland, you ignorant bam that you are!

We (the English) can't help our drunken, violent behavior at major sporting events, it's the Viking blood in our veins (it's a bit rich to claim you 'jocks' are all so saintly, I guess we will never know as you don't seem to qualify for much). However, the differences between our two nations have only arisen due to the fact that the women of Scotland were too off-putting to the Norse fellas who came a-callin and a-pillaging, otherwise you too might be like us!

What is normal clothing anyhow for you scots lads/lasses? What do you need whan a-roming and a-gloaming in the heather? How about a pair of nice English wellies to go with your Scottish raincoat?

Depends who you are talking about, the neds are in the uniform of white tracksuit and Burberry cap, everyone else dresses like, well, the English do! What heather? Is the heather I'm gonna stuff up your a*se in a minute if you make another tasteless Scottish joke, I told ya, pick on the muslims, they shouldn't be here, there are plenty of threads!
By the way, it's not our fault we don't qualify, It's all that bloody Germans fault, he's gone now, so England had better watch their back! Anyway, what you on about, England haven't won anything for 40 Years! Is that all you can go on about?

We got some really nice girls up here as well, their loss, my gain!

Help ma bob! Who are the neds?

Are you a girl 78, cos you sure is a fiesty little minx!

I don't want to hi-jack drizzies thread, but she won't mind (she'll still be sleeping off last nights hangover), we are sticking to the point about why the English might think Gordon Brown is inferior after all.

As a qualified, card carrying Sassenach, who has lived and worked (shudder) north of the border, I can confirm beyond question and doubt that England is better than Scotland, but we will continue to eat your porridge and buy your calendars and whiskey, cos we wouldn't want you to end up unemployed like the Welsh.

Nope, I'm a guy! I'm actually not altogether that keen on living in Scotland, but I won't have it slagged off! I can see what my fellow scots are like, Glaswegians are amongst the most ignorant people you will find anywhere in Britain, but live here I do. If I could afford it I wouldn't even be living in Britain, I'd be off to America or somewhere because, the hale jing bang of Britain is finished, Knackered, Done For! I just think that this thing between the Scots and The English is as old hat and jurassic as jokes about Skodas, there are far bigger threats in the UK now, we should be coming together, the Scots, English, Irish, well ok the Welsh too because we need unity if we are to not allow Britain be taken by the foreign invaders!
The ned is a scottish phenomenon, its an acronym for Non Educated Delinquent. They differ from chavs by having a minus IQ rating and they wear their socks on the outside of their trousers, ie the leg is tucked into the sock and they normally have a Celtic or Rangers scarf wrapped around their face. When they are older the ned turns into a jakey, who is the type of Scot who is inebriated 24/7 on cheap drink or drugs. They account for 10% of the population and the bulk of this is in Coatbridge/Airdrie.
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I'm in my bed with that stomach bug (hence the reason I was up late last night - quicker to get to the lavvy) and just passed the computer on my way back from spewing I'll have you know Stevie.I did not partake at all last night - you are just jealous I can be so erudite - so you have to think of ways to demean me.

BTW the girls in Scotland are stunning and you are struggling with 78.He doesnt do subtlety or irony:)

Now - feel free to leave me a get well soon message:)

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