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chimney | 18:25 Mon 20th Feb 2006 | News
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I remember people telling me that McDonalds were funding the IRA (about a penny from every pound), because of this I never ate them again.Was there any truth in it?



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It's called the Ingelligence Corps Ward-Minter. It has NEVER EVER had the word Royal in front of it.

I knew you were a fake and imposter.


I've found loads of references to the Royal Intelligence Corp, so this could get interesting!!

It's now called Military Intelligence.

I spent over 20 years in the British Army, and, over those years lost many dear friends.

W-M is a buffoon and he insults the memory of those decent blokes by pretending to be an ex officer, I knew he would trip himself up and I made it my mission to show him up for the imposter he is

Over to you W-M

And there is a "S" in Corps
John, without wanting to get caught up in this, you said it was �never ever� called the �Royal� intelligence corps. Yet to the best of my knowledge, that was its title, are you sure you�ve not �jumped the gun� on this one?

Perhaps it was but that would have been years and years ago. I joined in '79 and left in 2003 with an 21 month gap after Gulf war 1. During my time it was called the Intelligence Corps, or Int Corps, never ever did it have the suffix "Royal"

And W-m is still a buffoon

According to the attached site, it is the Royal Intelligence Corps. I know it was called the Intelligence Corps when we had careers advice back in the eighties, but I thought military intelligence was a bit of an oxymoron even then and was never tempted. Are they still at Guildford?
Having read some of Ward Minters posts, I think I made the right decision.

How very interesting��.But here�s a few points

1) I am never wrong. Especially by a soldier who couldn�t hack it in The Gulf and changed regiments, because �I didn�t like killing kids� (Can�t find the quote)
2) I am never wrong. Especially by a cowardly soldier who fought the war with a syringe.
3) I am never wrong. Especially by a cowardly soldier who can not comprehend the difference between MI5/MI6 and The Royal Intelligence Corps.
4) I am never wrong. Especially by an ignorant, cowardly man who has never heard of TRI-SERVICE. Try telling the ROYAL Navy or ROYAL Air Force they are not Royal. Having served my entire career based at Templer then Chicksands.
5) I am never wrong. Especially by a coward who served �over twenty years� and never made rank. I appreciate you may not be the �old school tie brigade� but ways and means dear boy.
6) I am never wrong. Especially by somebody who �makes it his mission� to �show me up� on the internet. I am sure the cold winter nights fly by.

Further, the more I read the more I actually doubt you. However, I won�t stay up waiting to trip you up. If you are real, you show little respect for a Commissioned Officer without doing your homework dear boy. I am fairly confident and I am sure ex-squaddies would agree, that one should get there facts straight first.

Alas, Glasgow APC have confirmed that there are 7 John Lamberts listed. None of any great military recognition I hasten to add. You won�t find any Ward Minter�s listed because The Royal Intelligence Corps do not list, for obvious reasons, But you knew that didn�t you?

Corp(S) is what is known as a typo dear boy. Like a(N) 21 month gap in your thread. However, correcting grammar shows a degree of desperation.

On a positive note though Lambert, you are right. The Intelligence Corps never had the suffix �ROYAL�. However it has the prefix. lol.
Don�t be too embarrassed dear chap. Just tickle yourself with your white feather and feel safe in the knowledge that my Captain�s pension is probably worth more than your life. X

sorry, have i got to say over to you JL to get a response or is it just your little game? Maybe i should try and type in bold. Or maybe even underline my work.

lambert, dear boy, apologise at will.

hahahaha........just read this thread. Minty has tickled me pink again. i dont know who is right but I just could never argue with the guy.

I remeber this rumour in the late 80s but i choose not to eat mcdonalds cause the food is crap crap crap with crap fries on the side.

NB. Bought some new trainers this evening and ummed and ahhhed about some grey cycling shorts, but couldnt decide on the longer or the shorter ones ; )

I will never apologise to you W-M you are a liar, a fraud and a buffoon. All the info you gave can be gained from the internet.

I dont think reaching the rank of SSgt (Staff Sergeant to you W-M) is never making rank.

And if you think im a coward feel, feel free to come and have a go

PS, my C.O suggested that I apply for a Commission when I came back from Bosnia, however I declined.

PPS you made all the ranks from 2nd Lt to Captain, thats ONLY two promotions and one of them is for time served, were you fast tracked? LOL you buffoon. Go tickle yourself

PPPs no need to say "over to you" dear boy, I work for a living (unlike officers), so I only come online when im not managing my factory XX


Just a few final things though. I never lost a man on my unit. Yet you have lost friends. Tell me. If you weren't such a coward would they still be alive? I wonder if you can look into the widows' eyes and say "Yes, I did all I could"

I can live with being called a buffoon. (Is that an army term??) but at least I am not a coward. I killed Iraqi's, Rwandans and the odd Irishman. NEVER my own guys with cowardice.

I do not know what I have done to offend you Lambert. But by the looks of on this (unrelated) thread I have the upper hand. All because you don't like my views I am a liar? What a strange factory worker you are.

PS I like the way you copy me with a X. Most respectful.

PPS If I wanted a resume of your low lying career I would ask. If you give me your pay number I will happily look up your career. Likewise I will need my number to access yours and you can do the same.

But as you appear interested I was Level 9 Captain in just 8 years as you will see. So acting Major duties whilst only 28, mmmmm.

My C.O told me i was great. Hang on I WAS THE C.O.

So goodnight killer coward. I hope this will be an end to your yellow b1tching. Be brave and be happy.


I have an american family and yes it is known that many many years ago they funded an IRA organisation, but that was long before Mcdonalds came to britain. Mcdonalds is only a franchise though and each restaurant is owned by different person who paid thousands to secure their own business. I dont think they should be boycotted though, KFC Yes...


Intersting, you called me yellow and a coward, yet you didnt accept my invitation to have a go, hmmmm

I didnt say my C.O thought I was great, he and my Troop and Squadron did however think I would make a good officer (I didnt).

I dont need to justify myself to you Minter, I could call you much much worse than a buffoon but im a gentleman and will not lower myself to any worse than that.

Tell you what, I'll meet you at the rememberance parade in Brighton this year, you'll recognise me. im the good looking one wearing medals. I imagine you'll be the spotty 53 year old ex AGC L/Cpl (acting) clerk.


Don't cha just luv it when two old ex army guys reminisce about days gone by when they played soldiers and pulled the triggers on their big guns.........

McDonalds burgers are rank (and I dont mean Major / Corporal or Staff Sergeant), Burger Kings aren't any better -- and as for the fries, by the time they are on the tray at the till they are cold.........


I can assure you, whether W-M was or was not a squaddie we NEVER played soldiers, we took pride in being professional.

However I agree with evwerything else you said about fast food

It was absolutely true. But it was not donations...the IRA gave McDonalds all the men they killed in return - which McDs put in their Big Macs

Lambert I now realise you are joking with your persistance and (kind of) doubt that I may have actually been a soldier. So unless it was a mistake on your part, I guess i win your little game.

Sorry to dissapoint you but I do not partake in adult brawls. Call me soft but i'ts not really the way I was brought up. And of course I don't want to be beaten up. But I have asked you for your number, but you cowardly decline. Just like you did in the Gulf.

And I tend to take a more active role on Rememberance activities than merely go to the odd parade dawning army bling.

And on a final note, as you appear to want this coversation to continue. Tell me why does the Gulf haunt you so much if its not cowardice? Try answering the question instead of merely attempting to abuse me and we may get somewhere.

But then again by stating you are good looking, have a factory, was a staff sgt, are man enough to call me a buffoon and have got me all quaking in my boots by, rather working class adult chavness, I may just wish your wife breast cancer. At least when you top yourself your meagre pension will be better spent elsewhere.

Then again I am not as low as you.

I look forward to your abusive reply Lambert.

PS I love the way you keep copying me, first with the kisses now calling me Minter. It's making me think you are jealous of me.

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