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9/11 Conspiracy

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Ward-Minter | 14:48 Wed 19th Apr 2006 | News
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Now I know this has been spoken of many times on here and I totally agree that such theories are absolute nonsense. However has anybody a view on this footage. Selective filming from a Drama Student or thr truth??? here



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In an attempt to be deadly fair here clanad could you possibly post a link to Kilsheimer's report please so that we can read that as well.All sides always selectively put their own viewpoint forward as you know but I am genuinely open minded to all possibilities here so would like to look at what you have that counters. Thanks.

i still want to know why the dumbass of a so called president allowed bin ladens family to be on the only plane flying out? surely someone as stupid as him can realise they would be needed for questioning?

george-we'll smoke him out now watch my drive-bush has blood on his hands. i dont think he is clever enough to have thought it up but i am certain he had something to do with it.

but back to the pentagon, the plane didnt cause the same destruction as the towers so why is there no plane or parts of it? it is very strange that all we ever see is footage of the twin towers and not the pentagon....the whole thing is a cover up by that twit.

The plane that hit the pentagon was it full of passengers ?

If so and the claim is a plane never hit the pentagon then where are the passengers ? Where are the orginal aircrew ?

Many moons ago (in A level History) we were taught that when things are 'crip' for your domestic policies, one can always divert the attention of the population with a war.

So not exactly a novel spin on World events!

I speak from the point of impartial observation. I have no fixed views in these matters, I hope for the best, but anticipate the worst, from the actions of politicians.

If you look at the events in more detail, there do seem to be some curious questions that need answering; for instance; why did immigration officials allowing known terrorists into the country? Why did the FBI ignore intelligence from 11 other countries and their own agents that the attacks were going to take place, Why did FAA flight controllers ignore standard operating procedures on that day alone, NORAD not launching the interception fighters immediately, interception fighter pilots flying at half speed, Bush's security team not whisking him to a secure bunker once the first attack had taken place? There are many more but there do seem to be a catalogue of blunders that one cannot justify as coincidence alone. Ultimately, how could a country that spends countless billions on defense and military hardware have been undone by a group of terrorists? I am not shouting conspiracy but after over 4 and a half years, we still have no idea what happened that day and why so many thousands of people lost their lives.


British intelligence informed the Americans that Pearl Harbour was going to happen, the yanks chose not to listen, they have only recently started to take into account foreign agencies. (post 9/11).

Most countries air defences are looking out for fighter aircraft, NOT domestic passenger carriers.

I could go on but, it was a terrorist outrage. nothing more nothing less. Cerrtainly not a conspiracy.

PS when it happened I was teaching Army recruits, as we were watching the towers collapse my fellow instructor turned to me and "looks like were going back to Iraq"

Well W-M, we had a few discussions about this recently (Hi loosehead) and it is obvious that you have now joined the small but growing number of people who believed the whole story about 911 because you never had reason to question it, but now you have a doubt on some part of the official story (as I did last year) and you had better be carefull at this point, because you might start looking at other stuff from that day and eventually you also might start to wonder how come the twin towers fell down when they were designed to withstand aircraft crashes originally!
All domestic aircraft are required to follow a flight path, which they absolutely must adhere to. The moment they go off the path, they are warned and if they continue to do wander, fighter jets are immediately dispatched to the aircraft. This is standard operating procedure. This actually happens, I understand, about 30 times each year in the US. Yet on this day alone, SOP was ignored or failed by TWO agencies, FAA and NORAD. When you consider the hundreds, possibly thousands of aircraft in US airspace at any given time, to suggest that they don�t keep an eye on them is ludicrous

I agree with you Pootle, there are many questions that remain unanswered.

Im in the unhappy situation of agreeing with minter that these conspiracy theories are absolute nonesence and must be ignored

This is very tongue in cheek

Who are you ? Where is the real John Lambert?, what have you done with him? lmao

I have always believed that there was something "amiss" about the pentagon hit, but then again I am easily led. I had seen this before or one very similar anyway, its presented in a way that makes it hard to dispute, i think.

Why would the american government cook this up though??

goodsoulette .... i beleive it was so president woosh had an excuse to attack iraq and afghanistan....and like others have said, to finish what his father started. i also dont beleive bin laden had anything to do with it. he is probably on some US funded island living it up with some US funded plastic surgeons....
if it was just the pentagon I would go with that but all the people that died in the towers doesnt win it for me.
Clanad, question for you as a pilot. How easy or difficult is it for a rookie hijacker pilot to crash into a smallish/squat 3-4 storey structure and smash spot on to the perimeter wall/main outside wall. It is difficult enough on flight simulators, would it not be near impossible on a real plane??.

Why would they this ....

Well as the world is now at Peak Oil and the future of energy supplies will be downhill all the way, that might be a good reason for 911 which gave the US an excuse to invade (sorry - liberate) Afganistan and Iraq.

By a strange coincidence the US is sitting in Afganistan which is exactly where a future pipeline for oil to China would have to pass, and Iraq ..... Oh yeah it has the only underused large oil fields left in the world due to the embargoes and damage from the fighting.

If you doubt the future world oil situation the US army doesn't, read this internal US Army Corps of Engineers report on the fuel supply situation for the US Army now and in the future. Note the comment on page 1 about ''geo-political tensions arising from the world energy situation'' read here OIL WARS

thank you qapmoc - at last someone talking sense!!!

Interesting links....I've always wondered about the Pentagon incident.....possibly selctive filming from a drama student, and some elements of truth!

Given the appauling state of politics in Iraq its understandable that people consider such theories.

qapmoc, have you thought out the alternative .............. give it the title 'Oil Wars' if you wish, but would you honestly feel safe if all the future wealth from Iraq's oil went to the likes of Saddam Hussein? I think recent history has shown he would not use the revenue for the benefit of Iraq. Could you consider now was perhaps a better time to have a fight or would you suggest we waited several years & several billion dollars more to see if he is a good guy after all? .... after all Britian did show courtesy to Adolf Hitler at first, peace in our time and all that malarky..........!

Maybe I just see things differently, but dare I say I was one who believed when ours & the American goverment warned us of Hussein's capabilities, not because I am willing to take the word of Bush or Blaire but because I believed they have the reciepts! They will know exactly what Husseins capabilities were because guess who sold most of it to them (mustn't forget also the small matter of Soviet Union weapon grade Uranium being flogged off on the open market at the end of the cold war) Funny enough at the time of the invasion I said they would find didley squat & that at some time in the not too distant future they will then pick a fight with Iran.... It is starting to look that Iran will oblige and round two may be just around the corner!?

I am not attempting to say I am at all happy with the Goverments of this world, I really wish that the planet could be this happy place some think it could be but unfortunately life has taught me no matter where you go life is pretty much the same. I genuinely fear for the future of us all, I do lose sleep thinking what my son's and their family are going to grow up to and whilst the present situation is so far from good I do believe it is the best of a very bad job.........

Right, I'm off to dream of that far off place where there is no polotics, no laws and man lives happily with all his neighbours :-)

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