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Hard up NHS?

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Zen | 20:02 Tue 05th Sep 2006 | News
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At �12.00 a shot, it really can't afford them. Personally, I'd just be grateful for being alive and being treated for 'free', never mind quibbling over what I had to wear.
This is the usual acquiescence to all things Muslim. How long will it be before it is compulsory for everyone.
The real issue here, I think, is not so much the cost, but treatment, will the next thing be only Muslim doctors allowed to operate on Muslim women?, to preserve modesty of course.
I can only think of one Muslim patient I've nursed where it became an issue Lonnie, and his family grumbled a bit that he couldn't be treated by male staff only. After explaining that there was only one male Staff Nurse employed on the ward - and thus it was whichever nurse was on duty, or nobody at all - then they quickly shut up about it, although they were always a bit off-ish afterwards.
I didn't see where the article said or implied that the NHS was going to foot the bill for these. I read it as these PJ's would be available for �12 and the inventor expected to make a lot of money, fair play to them.

And if people want to wear them for religious, annonimity or just plain shyness reasons, then good luck to them as well.

The idea that we'll all have to wear them eventually is laughable in the extreme! Easy on the tabloids over there.....
It's an NHS body which has produced them I think Ralph - plus Chorley and Preston are NHS hospitals, so I think they will end up paying for them out of the budget.
Thats fine Dizzie, but I think it'll become more widespread as the Islamic invasion of these shores continues.

I don't have a particular opinion one way or the other just yet, and I'm more inclined to look at the cost rather than anything else! :oD

I think it's come at a pretty bad time though - I think religious tensions are already heading towards a bit of a breaking point (or unless it's just me, and I'm noticing it more, I don't know), and things like this just fan the flames even more and rile people up even further.
I know Lonnie an absolute invasion!

Nearly 3% of the country! they're swamping the 70% white protestants

Excuse the Bold Italics I'm Hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh honestly, put the word 'muslim' in to a story and it sets people off on 'auto-tw@' setting, with the notable exception of Ralph.

It's entirely obvious from the story that NHS Trusts regularly develop and then attempt to market innovative products. It should also be obvious that such earnings go back into the NHS. I would have thought it was entirely laudable.

If it wasn't for the word 'muslim', no one would ever have bothered commenting on 'NHS Trust generates own income'. Include it and as per blummin' usual, people start salivating at the prospect of a rant.
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Would I be allowed to dress like this if it was my religion ?
I think you misunderstand what the Klan uniform is about if you're seriously trying to compare the two.

Many Muslims wear burkas as part of their standard dress because they believe their religion requires such modesty from them.

The Klan wore robes to allow them to intimidate blacks without fear of being identified.

Not exactly a great analogy.
Waldo - my only gripe was the cost at �12.00 each when compared to the current gowns which are around �1.00 or so, as least where I work. Dress in stockings and suspenders, ice skating shoes and a top hat for all I care - it's just money that could be used elsewhere.
'It means the market for the gowns among the globe's billion-plus Muslims is immense.'

This is a money spinner for the NHS with free publicity due to Britain's little obsession.
They might be �12 each now, and I take your point, but the story makes it clear that there is a vast potential market that could generate massive returns for the trust, so the cost would a) undoubtedly fall and b) be more than covered by the income from other parts of the world.
The cost may potentially fall if another company starts making them cheaper (so, any ABers out there with a sewing machine...?), although the NHS has a pretty shoddy history when it comes to effective buying.

I still think though, that if I will so ill that I needed to be in hospital, what I was wearing would be the least of my worries - plus the current gowns are great for showing off my curvy buttocks! lol ;)
"if I *was* so ill...", even - distracted by the thought of myself in a hijab
I doubt if anyone except the nhs would pick up the bill for this ludicrous piece of kit, and as for the price falling?....I don't think so. how about this...if someone wants to wear one of these...they pay for it? oh but then it would become a human rights issue.
as jake-the-peg has illustrated, muslims make up only 3% of the population - it seems like alot more because they are a very vocal race, aggressive in voicing there ridiculous needs and requirements and causing upset amongst the rest of the 97% who reside here fairly peacfully. Look at the Chinese; they're not white protestants, they have their own faith - they never kick up a fuss when the UK doesnt cater for their particular religious wants and needs.

As immigaration increases, imagine what it will be like in 10 years time when this 3% becomes 9%.
So do the infidel surgeons have to slice through this wonderful new garment before they get to the oh so modest skin and when they actually get to the flesh do they have to continue the operation with their eyes shut so as not to see and thus defile the unprotected patient?
I accept that the thrust of the BBC article was that the Trust in question was going to market these gowns but this does imply that other Trusts would have to pay to use them.
If I went to Saudi Arabia would I be able to insist that my nurse or doctor took her headdress off so I could see the expression on her face as culturally that is extremely important to me when being spoken to?

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