personally i think it is a bad thing.
we all have things we believe in and things we do on a day to day basis, but: we are not all aloud to do said things whilst in a workplace. more and more things like this pop up each week, but, what happens when a religion come to england where it is against their religion to work?
maybe our tax will go up to compensate for the benefits they will require?
without being racist, and without meaning any disrespect..
i think it is about time that all groups of people within the country respected each other to the extent where they bent their own rules and not the rules of the people around them, miss a daily prayer,
50 years ago this was a majority christian country, but in the last 15 years sunday, the day of rest, has been fazed out and now it is just another day..
years ago, in america and in the uk, and in other countrys, women and "minoritys" had different rights, over the years these rights have been changed, and although this has had a good outcome, maybe its time to not make any more changes..
as said above, i enjoy a drink, why can i not drink at work?
i like to watch tv, maybe i should ask if i can have a half our out a day to watch a show i am following?
i enjoy the company of my friends relatives and my significant other, so why cant i enforce my family values and have a time in each day where i get to see or contact them for a while, in work time, just because it is what i believe in.
belive in a religion is a way of life, my childhood upbringing of a sunday meal with my family around me is a value instilled since birth, why is it that they get what they want, whereas my athough not religious belief is not catered for?