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An apology

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Oneeyedvic | 16:42 Mon 27th Nov 2006 | News
12 Answers
I would like to apologise to the Christian polulation as I am fairly sure (according to the Bible) that I am biologically connected to BOTH Adam & Eve and therefore I must take on the fact that I am partially to blame for the fact that we are not living in the Garden of Eden.

Sorry :-(


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(apologies) - I have no money so can't offer compensation!
I found this message from GOD on another forum...

"Nevermind Oneeydvic, I destroyed that anyway in the Great Flood - Best wishes GOD"
blimey! I'm related to them too, that makes you practically FAMILY!
Us Atheists don't believe you !!!
Theres no such thing as atheism.
Why have you limited your apology (surely "deep sorrow" would be more apt) to Christians only?

The story and actions of your forebears are also referenced in both the Torah and Qur'an.
I persume this is in reference to attempting to get Mr Blair to apoligise for slavery in his article in the Black newspaper New Nation.

This is ridiculous, do we need to apoiogise for something our forefathers where guilty of. Yes it was repulsive, at the very least but then we lived in a different world all those years ago, when savage and inhumane pratices took place all over the world.
Actually, scientists are now playing around with the theory that the human race were the result of a single man's borderline nuclear potency- "Adam", if you will. Quite simply, this is thought to be because of a supervolcanic eruption in Indonesia 74,000 years ago. Hence the human race is actually very restricted genetically.

And here's a creepy have a "pure" line (you'll see what I mean in a bit), you need to have 2 ancestors for every generation...taking 25 years as a generation, the human race "restarted" 3,000 generations ago, meaning that the number of ancestors you need is 2 to the power of 2,999, which is more than the number of humans that have ever lived, in all certainty. How to explain the discrepancy? At some point, someone has been gettin' it on with his sister....

Just thought I'd share that with you all.
no doubt there will be a stony silence from the masses of black africans who forefathers were also involved in the slave trade and 'sold their own people down the river'
i have to say the apology concerning slavery is one i think is justified to some extent (despite not being the fault of anyone living) BUT on the condition that for all the negatives attached to the inhumanity of "owning" another person, we ALSO recognise the positives that have helped shape our nation for the better out of this horrid and vile trade.

1) this country rejected and outlawed slavery before many other countries (sweden 1846, holland 1863, USA 1865) one that had been used for centuries from the first British legal contest (somerset trial) stating slavery was not legal in 1777 and to finally being abolishmed from all colonies by 1833.

i am sorry for slavery but do not feel i as a british subject deserve guilt by association. i think we as a nation should be proud of the likes of thomas clarkson who devoted their lives to the abolition of slavery. i do not seek thanks for their efforts or claim credit for it, i am just grateful we live in a country that prides itself on diversity and opportunity for all (with the exception of a few bigoted morons). for every night there is a dawn, this was a moment in history when profit was rejected in favour of humanity, lets not forget that either
I can't see how an apology from somebody of this generation is relevant, same as me saying sorry for the actions of Jack the ripper, it isn't something that was done by me, in my name or even at a time when I could have done something about it.

Even if it did happen I can't see what difference it would make, I can't imagine all the people in the world who have issues with slavery (in many cases with good reason) are going to change their views on the subject and as Booldawg says Africa as a continent is as culpable in many cases as the rest of the world in the actual slave trade.

Will France be issuing an aplology over 1066, will we get one from Italy for the invasion of Britain by the Romans. It happened, it was stopped and we moved on, it won't happen again (at least not under the flag of the United Kingdom) so I can't see the point.

"it's a wise child who know it's own father"

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