I always find it somewhat amusing to see America harpooned as the instigator and continued supporter of the Israeli government when history clearly shows Britain as the original source of the Jewish state. Further, the history of Jewish immigration to the area goes back several hundreds of years (not mentioning Biblically supported history of the Hebrew right of ownership).
The Sykes-Picot Agreement, mandated by the League of Nations following WWI allocated the area surrounding the Jordan River to Great Britain, which then, divided the desert into two seperate administrative areas, West of the Jordan and East of the Jordan. The area west of the Jordan comprised roughly 25% of the land with the remainder going to form an Arab Palestinian nation called Trans-Jordan. Ironically, Trans-Jordan was given to a non-"Palestinian" Arab Emir Abdullah to administer in the behalf of the very small Arab population. Although the Jews immediately agreed to the deal the Arabs were already having none of it. In 1929 the Hebron attacks resulted in numerous Jewish deaths with many more attacks to follow... so many that the British government tossed the problem over the fence to the United Nations in 1947, who in turn established the nation of Israel in 1948. The rest, as they say, is history. But isn't it even a little interesting that the Arab countries never helped their brothers establish a viable "Palestine" out of the remaining 75% of the British protectorate? By U.N. estimates there were only around, at max, 400,000 Arabs living in the 75% of the mandated lands for them. Yet all of their energies, supported by Saudia Arabia and others, were to destroy Israel. The "Palestinian Arabs" have been tragically used for politcal purposes by any and all of their Arab overlords for nearly 100 years.