im sick to the back teeth of foreigners living in this country and threatening to kill British citizens...
its about time Britain got real.. lets have a "shoot to kill" policy...
if someone is a known member of a terrorist cell, why not let the army or special services shoot them dead ???
i was born in Tipton, home of the Tipton taliban.
the place where the scum intended to behead a soldier and put it on the internet...
i say enoughs enough.... SHOOT TO KILL !
i bet there are so many people shouting "YEAH" and agreeing with you on this but due to the sensitivity of racism and fence sitting only the people who disagree with you will dare post?
Lets throw out all the rules of law in this country. Have these people been giving a trial yet? Are they guilty of anything yet? It sounds like we have gone back in time to the middle ages. Witch hunt anyone?
racism? what do you call what these degenerates are? once again they are succeeding at making everyone suspicious about the muslim community.round them up and send them back to their ancestral homeland.
if these people want a war, lets give them a war !!!
this is a real threat to the way we all live. these people are calling themselves British and threatening to kill one of their own.. a British Muslim who is serving his country.
would you say the same if one of your family were to be be-headed ??? i honestly dont think you would Stewy.....
at this moment in time i dont care about convictions. all i care about is protecting the innocent people of Britain.
we saw years of I.R.A. terrorists blowing innocent people to pieces. shooting soldiers with high powered rifles or letting off massive bombs in Britain.
what were facing now is worse than anything the I.R.A. did.
i believe the time has come to make pre-emptive strikes. if it can be proven that a terrorist cell is in place and is active...
Comparing what we are going through now to the I.R.A is not even in the same ball park. How many actual bombings have taken place in this country from Muslim fundamentalists? This government WANTS us to live in fear, so they can introduce their draconian laws onto us. Orwell will be rolling in his grave. I pity those of you that fall for what the mainstream media are shovelling down our throats.
Britain - the Britain of old - is finished. The New Britain is where anything vaguely "ethnic minority" or "muslim" is hoisted to the top of the popularity stakes. We have positive racial discrimination.
Bye bye Britain, I loved you once, but now I don't give a fig.
From the views i'm seeing on here, i suppose i'll have to put up with a BNP government next. Or move to the land of my forefathers. Wherever that maybe? Fingers crossed i have some Scandinavian in my genes.