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About time ?

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Neilzulu1 | 16:46 Wed 09th May 2007 | News
201 Answers
After the abduction of that poor little girl in Portugal. Is it not time that we should adopt a complete zero tolerance on animals that prey on kids. I know it is not a foregone conclusion that it is indeed a nonce responsible, but i sadly feel it is but a matter of time until it is the case. I wish that we could bring back hanging for these b##tards. Kids should be safe all of the time. Parents should not have to worry about deviants . (Footnote) Please do not post comments regarding "why did the parents leave her there ?" as i am sure they will live with that for the rest of their lives.


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1. A kid = upto and including 16 years old.
2. Preying = grooming, stalking, etc.
Happy now ?
You are as entitled to your opinion as I am mine. Thanks for that goes to the people who fought a war against the Nazis, who happened have the same thoughts as you..

eg 'dirty perverts do not belong in society. We should get rid of them asap' regarding Jews, Gypsies & homosexuals.
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What an idiot. You totally are way off the mark. What the nazis done to those poor innocent people will be a blot on mankind for all eternity. I am on about perverts who are caught and dealt with in the courts and found guilty. I do not believe i mentioned anything of the sort you are referring to. The present system of soft sentencing does not work. Someone answered that they do not re offend, well what about the poor victim ? What about them ?
I was referring to your comment regarding 'flashers'.

There is no evidence to back up your claim that they will go on to become rapists. By suggesting this, you have made yourself look an idiot.

I have compared you to a Nazi for this reason. You make false claims with no qualified knowledge..that in itself is a dangerous thing.
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So you claim that every person that makes an unqualified comment is a nazi, as that is what you are saying. Forget the flasher comment for a minute. Do you agree that rapists should die for their crimes?
I don't think that everyone who makes an unqualified comment is a Nazi.

Heck, I make unqualified comments quite a lot on this site ~ we express opinions here, and I actually believe that everyone has a valid point to make. I expressed my opinion on the flasher comment..sorry but I cannot forget that comment as it is here, in pixels, for all to see. You made your opinion known regarding flashers, yet you don't actually have any statistics to prove your point.

You cannot hang a person simply because of what they *might* do. I don't believe a flasher should be hanged just in case he rapes someone. The law we have regarding that is there for a reason.

Someone flashed at me once. I laughed at him. he went away. On the other hand if anyone raped my child I would make darned sure they never did it again.

As for rapists ~ yes I do believe sentences should be tough. In some cases they are, in some they aren't. That is wrong.
Neil, why are you bothering to argue with these people who are just picking holes and twisting your question? If they have half a brain between them they'll know exactly what you mean. Attitudes like this are the reason that paedophiles and child murderers are treated with sympathy and are often released from prison only to offend again. To hell with the lefty do-gooders and to hell with the child abusers. It's time we put the safety of children first.
Actually naomi all I wanted to find out was why Neil was convinced flashers turned into rapists.

Of course I know what he means..all he needed to do was show me a source to back up that little fact. This isn't twisting his question at all, and I am sure there are others who would agree that there is a definition between rapists and flashers for good reason.

I am most insulted to be called a lefty. I have voted Tory all me life ;o)
Neilzulu1No I would not agree to people who have sex with under 16 year olds to be put to death.

Some examples:

What happens with a 17 year old boy and a 15 year old girl? With zero tolerence, he would be killed.

What about a 16 year old boy and a 14 year old girl.

Bear in mind that Portugal has an age of sexual consent of 14 and Spain has an age of sexual consent of 13. It is therefore

It is conceivable that a Spanish person could come and live here with his wife (age of marriage consent is 14) and be put to death.

On a personal note, I would agree (subject with all the points made in my previous post) if the age was under 11.

Naomi24 "Attitudes like this are the reason that paedophiles and child murderers are treated with sympathy and are often released from prison only to offend again." - do you know the reoffending rates - or are you doing the typical scaremongering. Somehow I doubt you are interested in facts - but I have provided a link to homeoffice data on the previous page.
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It is funny that you quote about Portugal and its laws. You can see how great they are with how much information etc they have given towards the original problem on my question. MADDIE, still missing, God bless her.
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Sooner or later we have to deal with sexual crimes. To all you that have asked about facts . If you are so well advised and know ALL THE FACTS. Let us all know what you would do regarding sex crimes ? You have tried to pick & twist my comments, you now have your chance to put forward what you would do. I am waiting to be enlightened........
Pippa, there can be no defence for either a rapist or a flasher. Both are a danger to society.

Vic, I am interested in facts, and the fact is that where innocent children are put at risk one re-offender is one too many.
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naomi24, thanks for your support on this.
Neil, you're very welcome. I've just had a quick look at the first couple of lines from the Home Office link Vic gave and it seems that the study concluded that only 8 out of 53 child molesters re-offended. Well, that's good news isn't it because it means if the re-offenders went on to abuse only one more child each, we have only 8 more innocent victims. Think of that - only 8 - and at least we know the paedophiles received sympathy and understanding so it's a small price to pay!! Wonderful!! Makes you sick doesn't it?!!!
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Truly, when will these people start caring about the victims and putting in laws ( and i mean real, proper laws) to stop these perverts. With all my heart , i wish that Maddie was with her parents. But this is the world we live in, too many do gooders, not enough hard dealings with this major problem.
the very thought of an adult (age here UK being 18?, ie: able to vote) filthy man/woman having sex with a baby? once trialed, I believe should be sentenced to death.

I cant even begin to imagine what makes a man/woman want sex with a child.

Anyone for Gary Glitter? or the Wests? or Huntley? or Hindley... why do you think they should have lived? or still be alive? of course.... they seem to be able to hang themselves in prison..... so why cant we just do it before they get the chance to DIY.

The point made about legal age consent in Spain?.... Is that country another paedophile heaven then? sickos from other countries getting their jollies legally? and Thailand? Garys favourite haunt. 1&records_state=&xtarget=&xpath=lp_sexoffender &conversion_id=1069229325&gc_price=&gc_source= g&tid=

A girlfriends father is on here. She and her sisters were continually abused by him, she is one screwed up individual. He is now free.

What we need in this country is Sharia law.

Isn't it?

No - we need common sense.

So the age for sexual consent in Portugal is 14. Do you think is ok/normal/healthy? If the Portugese or any other country with very liberal laws want to come to the UK they should abide by our laws.

I was grabbed and forced into a car from the street when i was ten, i was very fortunate that someone witnessed it and recognised the car. (He was a local Pervert!!) I was also fortunate in the sense he thought i was a boy (i was a tomboy at that age). I still remember every single second of the event to this day 25 years later and can remeber exactly what he looked like.

He didn't actually commit a sexual offence though everyone know of his intention, do agree that he was given the benefit of the doubt? He consequently moved away to a new area with his mother.
Kill all pediatricians.

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