Basically Goodsoulette, if you have any street wisdom about you, its easy to see that most crime carried out with weapons is implented by foreign visitors/immigrants.
These bring with them their way of life and seem to think that its ok to act like they do where they originally came from.
Everyone (except the odd one) who reads this knows what i mean. Whether you live in London, Manchester or in your own little do-gooder street, its the same people commiting the crime.
The prisons are full so they leave them out on the streets.
People are whimperimg about kids getting fat, etc. but is it any wonder when parents are trying their best to keep them in doors by buying them anything they can to keep them in to ensure their safety.
Police need to be given powers to stop and search , regardless of religion, colour, etc.
All this crap about statistics and not being able to stop so many froma certain minority, etc is giving these people free reign to rule the streets...