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Election now?

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4GS | 10:29 Fri 05th Oct 2007 | News
16 Answers
Now that the Conservatives have narrowed Labour's lead in the polls to single figures, do you think Brown would be wise to call an election? /news/news.html?in_article_id=485694&in_page_i d=1770


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I think so as wouldnt it take a shift the likes of which have never been seen before for the tories to get in?

I think Cameron will get stronger but if he loses an election now he's finished.
hi buddy,who cares mate no party has ever made my life any better they are all in it for themselves..................
Very true Maverick, Labour are the tory party 15 years ago anyway lol

hence I can't be ar5ed voting lol we will do this to the NHS, we will cut taxes, yawn.

Didnt do it the last time they were in power for 17 years did they lol
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morning Rev, stoke

valid points from both, voter apathy seems even more prevelant than it has in recent elections, as I said yesterday on AOG's post, up until the early 90's there was an imperial mile between the policies of Labour and the Conservatives, you knew where you stood, now the policies are so close you couldn't pass a razer blade between them
Hi Mr Lambert

In reality whaty has changed in the last ten years?

Inflation is under control
Interest rates despite recent rises are still relatively low
Income tax hasnt increased

I know indirect taxes have gone up but thats always the way

No point in voting all in it for themselves, no grasp of reality whatsover.
If you choose not to vote, why mump about the government of the day?
Not just the govt but any political party. I dont vote but can have an opinion and state why I dont vote.
Personnelly I think we should have a general election because this country voted for a Tony Blair labour govenment and not Gordon Brown labour govenment.
However Gordon Brown as waited so long to be Prime minister, I think he will wait untill he feels confident that he as a clear lead over the tories and its always a risk having a general election in autumn and winter time because people might be put off voting because of the weather.
Hmmm, i dont know where they get these figures from.
Labour will win again no matter when they hold the election.
It was just like in America, when they said Bush would have no chance, yet he won.
I was right on that too...
Mr ben I agree with u the swing for cameron to get in would have to be massive
I trhink Brown will call it. Cameron is a lame duck, and the Tories as of now can not win an election. Waiting a couple of years can only favour the Tories. And even though matty1 above is wrong about voting for a Blair Government not a Brown one, Brown winning an election will put a stop to such comments.
I will take bets off people that if an election was called now, Brown would win.
Maybe in a couple of years it would be a different story though...
I agree with matty.

And I wish Brown was stupid enough to call an election ;o)
Will he, won't he! Don't you find this all depressing. Surely a case for fixed term parliaments, So much bl??dy time wasted on it.

In reality if Brown wants an election he will say so without goading him. If he does not want an election at present why should he say anything.
Hi John,
Yes, if Brown has any chance of winning its now, he's stoked up election fever, and if he doesn't call it now, people are going to wonder what he's made of.

Lets face it, the mans got no guts anyway, ten years as Bliars No2, and in all that time, in case it jeopardised his chances of becoming PM, never stood up to Bliar once.

The mans a Schmuck.
Gordon Brown would not necessarily be wise to call an election as he may not win. But why shoudl he be allowed to be prime minister by default - there should be an election so that the people of Britain can choose who they want as prime minister. Seems like labour are becoming dictators and not allowing for a democratic choice by the people

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