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katie83 | 10:08 Tue 08th Jun 2004 | News
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Why are so many people voting for the BNP with their blatant racist views?


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Why did so many people follow Hilter in 30's Germany? They provide an easy scapegoat to hang the troubles in society on rather than try to tackle the real worries of unemployment and deprivation in inner cities they just find that people lap up the rhetoric of blaming the "paki" or the "niggers" or everyones new favourite in this league the "immigrant.....They are stealing your job...they have got the better homes from the councils....they get all the benefits....ergo it's their fault you don't live in a mock tudor mansion not your own shortcomings....the plebs that believe this tripe are only too happy to hear the message and hear it loudly.

voter apathy also plays a part, it may not be the case that 'so many people are voting for the BNP' rather that so few people are actually voting! in this way with a bit of organisation the BNP can gain politcal power while not actually representing the opinions of the majority.
Although I agree in essence with what you say sft42. You cannot deny the large influx of east Europeans coming into this country are in fact claiming support for this weak government and the fact they are willing to pay to travel all across Europe and not willing to settle in other so called safe countries but will seek to gain entry even by smuggling themselves in cannot be ignored. The big question has to be why? It is not because persecution and although not all are spongers and are some are willing to work, here in the Dover area all the B&B's are full of government paid asylum seekers and parts of the town are becoming no go areas due to gangs of roaming a/s which the press is not allowed to report for fear of being un-pc. I believe the public is voting for the BNP as a protest vote against this weak and feeble government who will not tackle the very real immigration problem this country has. The main problem that this may cause is that it will give the racist BNP a louder voice and platform to spout more rubbish.
Have you actually read any of the BNP's policies because i suspect you haven't. So many people write off the BNP as being a party of skin-headed tattooed yob who want to kick out black people or something. I actually agree with some of the things they say, and one thing and have never been or ever would be called is racist. The BNP adopts a British first policy - that does not mean white british. If you actually took the time to read what is said you would see that the BNP actually promote the end of the IRA in NI, a firmer stance of immigration which i believe is one thing that is inherently needed, sorting out our oen policies before we get involved in other countries' and spending money on britain first rather than everyone else. they actually have some very sensible views in my opinion, not that i'd actually vote for them, but before you write off a politicial party as racist, do your homework. secondly - whilst i believe that the labour party is doing well, unemployment rates certain tax issues etc there are major issues that need addressing and i for one am getting tired of being america's lapdog that is becoming incapable of standing up for what we, as a nation rather than one or two politicians, actually want. i am not against the war in iraq before anyone startes, everyone would agree that saddam hussein needed to be removed from power. it just makes me crazy that the labour party have lied since day one, and gone back on their manifesto (uh hello student grants?) and spend money on useless things.
Oh and here is the BNP official answer to people who call them racist. Q: The politicians and the media call the BNP "racist"? Is this true? A: No. "Racism" is when you 'hate' another ethnic group. We don't 'hate' black people, we don't 'hate' Asians, we don't oppose any ethnic group for what God made them, they have a right to their own identity as much as we do, all we want to do is to preserve the ethnic and cultural identity of the British people. We want the same human rights as everyone else, a right to a homeland, security, identity, democracy and freedom. We are not against immigrants as individuals. We are against a system which imports cheap labour regardless of the wishes of the host population. The British people were never asked if they wanted a multi-cultural society, immigration was forced on us undemocratically and against the clear wishes of the majority.
Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP is an out and out racist. He has been convicted for of violating section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986, which states that "a person who publishes or distributes written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting and intends thereby to incite racial hatred, or, having regard to all the circumstances, racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby". This was in relation to articles in 'The Rune' magazine. Hardly the behaviour of a great supporter of law and order as the BNP pretend to be.

A cursory google search reveals numerous members of the BNP heirarchy have convictions for violent behaviour associated with racism. Their leaflets present their 'acceptable' face, but be clear, at heart, they are neo-nazis. They advocate a policy of forced resettlement of minority ethnic people.

Nick Griffin is also a holocaust denier.

Incidentally, why is it that the sort of people who go around saying 'black people are taking away their jobs' never consider the reason they're unemployed is because they're knuckle-dragging halfwits with behaviour problems?
Becks if you are referring your post to me. I can tell you I have done my homework and not only read the BNP manifesto but attend some of their meetings and I can tell you having spoken to their members first hand, their published policies are watered down to gain some acceptance from the general public. Without wishing to stand on my own soapbox and start preaching my own political beliefs you could do worse then look at the UK Independent Party manifesto. They too put the UK first, have a Sensible immigration policy and other valid views without the extremities of the racist BNP.
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this answer is to 'becks'..... YES! i have read the BNP's policies and for someone who apparently does not vote BNP i find it amusing that you use the term 'we' when referring to the BNP. THe BNP try and cover up what they are really about by using RACIST propaganda against immigrants that are coming to this country. The so called 'scroungers' can be found here in the country in the form of British people who choose not to work. You say that British people were not asked if they wanted a multi cultural society, well you do not have to look far to find that many British people are descendants of immigrants. Be it the Irish etc. Immigrants are fellow human beings, don't forget that. Its uneducated people who vote for the BNP because they are ignorant to other people cultures or beliefs.
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Just wanted to say thanks to WaldoMcFroog and Ivor Mac. Its good to know there are some educated proud British people out there who recognise the true agenda of fascist parties such as the BNP.
Right first of all, Ivor the homework was directed at Katie and not you. Katie, you clearly haven't read or chosen to undertsnad what i've written, i never once used WE in the sense me and the BNP you moron, i used WE as in England. so not that amusing then. YOu can't have resad their policies - where in ANY of it does it say "we don't want black people here and we will kick them out" or anything to do with any other race. FFS, i can have an opinion, i think the BNP is trying to steer away from its yobbish image, however it is caught in a self-perpetuating cycle becuase invariably it is racist ypbs who choose to support the BNP. Waldon, i didn't know that about Nick Griffin, and i perfectly accept that it is not right to have someone like this in charge of a party - but that is the man - not the party as a whole. Secondly i agree with you that the people who moan about "blackpeople stealing their jobs" are invariably half-wits. I accept that but katie don't you dare label me as being part of the BNP all i'm doing is offering another perspective on your sweeping statement that the BNP are "blatantly" racists.
Oh and another thing katie - how dare you infer that becuase i UNDERSTAND some of the BNP's policies i am an uneducated fascist? I choose to make opinions, i accept that the BNP may well be watering down their policies to gain support but every political party lies about their manifesto. If all you wanted was people to agree with you and say "yes they are racists" then what was the point of posting the question - surely a debate is much better, and again that is all i was doing, pointing out the other side. i am educated but there are things in this country that need to be addressed. yet again, i will not be voting for the BNP but if i wanted to it's my right as we live in a democracy, i don't question your beliefs so don't accuse me of things when you don't even know me and are based on a short response to a question that throws up such long-winded and debatle answers.
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Becks, I did not imply that you were an uneducated, fascist because as you stated i do not know you. This debate is actually NOT about you. I don't intend to persuade anyone to think differently as that is impossible most of the time. I did not expect everyone to agree with me either. BUT, in my opinion there is absolutely no denying what the BNP's true agenda is. The BNP are trying to appear as respectable but they provoke racial hatred. In their campaign they tell half truths and lies to present problems in society as being the fault of certain racial groups. Their campaign is based on hatred of creeds and colours other than their own, on lies and falsehoods about immigration and asylum. I don't believe that there is anything to UNDERSTAND about the BNP but this. We do live in a democracy and it is our right to vote for who we want to however fascists like the BNP are not the way forward. We should address problems on Britain however we should do this by uniting communities not dividing them.
Pehaps i have not made myself clear, while i said that i understand their policies i also meant that i understand how some people are being almost lured into their policies. Opinion polls show that a large number of people are unhappy about the ammount of immigrants cflooding into this country when SOME of them should not be granted access. Don't patronise me by saying this argument isn't about me, i am perfectly capable of understanding that thanksyou, but your comments to "thank" mcfroog and ivor made it clear that you think of them as being Right" and me being "wrong". I don't think that is the case, they have presented their side i have presented another angle. I agree with you when you saqy that underlying their beliefs may be hatred of other races, and secondly i agree with you when you say that this should not be tolerated. That is correct, but a 'normal' 24 year old like me can understand their approach to things like spending money on getting the nhs upto scratch before we spend money on other people,there is little hope that those less gullible/naive/easily swayed as me may actually think the BNP are a reasonable party to vote for. personally i'm going to vote for the raving loony party... they have some very sensible policies.
Quote " i never once used WE in the sense me and the BNP you moron, i used WE as in England. so not that amusing then

Anyone else find it amusing that so many people have this problem? The so called BNP speaks for very little of the country and certainly not the majority of my countrymen....Islanders who were prepared to barrcade themselves on their island and stop ferries to stop the home office forcibly removing a immigrant family....that's how many of my countrymen feel.

I personally keep in touch with many of the political parties views and manifestos and the BNP is basically racism lite....watered down slightly for mass appeal but scratch the surface and see the beast beneath....Nick Griffin was convicted of incitement to racial hatred in April 1998, has called the Holocaust 'the hoax of the 20th century' and co-written a pamphlet entitled Who are the Mindbenders?, alleging that a Jewish consipiracy runs the media, where it provides an 'endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash'.

Robert Bennett, a leading BNP member in Oldham in 2002 served 5 years in prison for the gang rape of a woman, he has also served 7 years for armed robbery and has more than 30 convictions.

The BNP national organiser, Tony Lecomber, was sentenced to 3 years for unlawful wounding of a Jewish schoolteacher.

The BNP's southeast London organiser has 17 convictions for crimes including burglary, theft and drugs offences. The East Midlands organiser, Steve Belshaw, has a conviction for assaulting a lawyer in Mansfield and the Burnley organiser was jailed for three months for electoral fraud....All in all a nice bunch of chaps even when you consider the low opinion the public has in general of politicians and their morals.

P.S. to resort to calling someone else on this forum a moron shows a distinct lack of courtesy and manners......if your case is so weak you have to resort to petty name calling them please do us all a favour and don't bother in the first place.

I find it curious that the BNP 1997 general election manifesto said "It is not a matter of 'hate'"; in recent years this has evolved to "It is not a matter of 'racism' or 'hate'". The only way that the BNP can get away from the accusation of racism is by redefining it on their own terms, instead of accepting the usual meaning. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s and until relatively recently, the BNP quite openly accepted the fact that it was racist. The fact that the BNP now has a policy of repaatriation only on a "voluntary" basis, and no longer on a compulsory 10-year timetable, does not make the BNP no longer racist.

Anyway, in answer to the original question: 1. because they are racist (there have always been some people who are instinctively racist and just can't help it; they just don't like differences) 2. they are not racist, but they want to protest about social issues such as housing or jobs 3. they are persuaded into believing that these social issues are exacerbated by immigration or asylum seekers 4. because they believe the lies which are peddled by the BNP in claiming that Asians and/or immigrants and/or asylum seekers are given preferential treatment in housing etc (i.e. because they are gullible and/or ill-informed) 5. They are plain ignorant and are not aware of the racist policies of the BNP (e.g. Maureen Stowe, who recently defected from the BNP after having been elected as one of their councillors).

When I was at university, one of my fellow students met a student who was a member of the BNP, and became curious about it, on the assumption that the BNP was a friendly patriotic party like the SNP. I was very surprised at the time that my colleague had not previously been aware of the BNP, even though he was supposedly a politics student :-)
ok sft42 i take back the moron i was just angry that katie was implying i was using 'we' as though i was part of the BNP! i got really wound up by that and shouldn't have reacted to name calling fine, but it was hardly part of my argument! i've had enough of this now too tired and hot, was just trying to say that the BNP have made it look like they have reasonable views, and i understand how people could be attracted to voting for them. case closed for me, i won't bother giving an answer to political questions from now on, will stick to answering questions about shoes!
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thanks sft42, i totally agree.
Becks - "immigration was forced on us undemocratically and against the clear wishes of the majority"

Immigration has always been an essential part of the modern British capitalist economy, and key public services would strain greatly without the flexibility which it allows. I am not sure whether to be glad or cautious about your endorsement of my party.
Glad no one mentioned the amount AIDS/TB infected people coming into the county, placing extra strain on the NHS

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