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Who are the biggest fans of the Tories??

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Loosehead | 11:59 Wed 10th Oct 2007 | News
69 Answers
Well New Labour of course, step up Darling! I suppose we should be delighted, immitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery! Has there ever been a more blatant ideas robbery?


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Loosehead surely you should be pleased if the party in power adopts policies put forward by your preferred party, in other words what's the difference to you who impliments them if you believe they are good ideas
trigger, you are my hero as well - such well-thought out posts, and well-structured too !!
Get real you lefty plonkers 1979 - 1990 where the golden years when we kicked socialist arse. Old Labour knew it that's why they dropped all the lefty cobblers and became almost Tory themsleves. Did you not notice that Blair always quoted and admired me? You must have noticed when Brown invited me round the other week for a chat! The truth is Labour had always been unelectable until they ditched their flawed ideology Accept it your ideology is wrong, you've nicked Tory ideas before it's just that Darling is being a little more brazen about it.

Trigger you really are a but of plonker arn't you!
yes it's great paul I'm deleighted that they are implementing our policies. The question wasn't really about that.
triggerhappy, why do you have to put a mock swearword in evey append you make, such as:

> fu5k knows, you should at least try thou.

Are you such a moron you can only make your point by emphasising it with a swear word.

Grow up and make your point without the swear words and people might try and take you seriously.
Better a plonker than a right wing barstool
On Rory Bremmner on Sunday he said that instead of an election they should toss and coin to decide who gets in (Labour or Tory).

Then after 6 months we ask the public which one they think actaully got in.
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Paulos66, yes it's good that Labour are taking on these ideas, but I suppose the question is more about the Magpie effect!
Political parties were ,originally,to propogate certain ideas of Government-NOT to pander to the Egos of those who want Power. So if a party uses the ideas put forward by another Party they should be pleased !
> Tories, you have had your day, those of us that remember it never want it to return.

Some of us are old enough to remember what the UK was like JUST BEFORE Margaret Thatcher came to power.

While it is easy to deride her nowadays (and I admit in the last few years she "lost" it) she dragged this country up by the scruff of the neck and made it power in the world again.

We can remember the idealistic left wingers taking company after company out on strike.

Idiots like Red Robbo at British Leyland causing strikes that had such a long term effect BL are now out of business.

New Labour, Blair and Brown are reaping the effects of what Thatcher started.

All new labour have managed to do is open the doors to any and every person from any country in the world, many with no skills at all, leaving us with a legacy that we will probably never recover from.
How about Elvis stealing black music

I assume you liked the Tory Policies which you allege Labour have stolen.

I take it you will definitely be voting Labour in 3 years time then.
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Yes Gromit they have stolen policies but they are not and exact replica. I am delighted with the immitation but I think I'd prefer to stick with the real thing
You're lucky, you can't lose ,however, you vote
thanks VHG, I loved duffing up old shredded wheat head. I seems the lefties have short memories of the last time we had "Old Labour".

Gordon was very charming showed me around the place, I didn't mention that I already knew my way around though! He's a well meaning enough chap, I forgive him for bu66ering up the entire pensions system. He's ok for a sweaty!
You mean you can spot the difference? Please tell.
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So obvously you'll be voting Tory then Gromit! I mean they're identical right?!
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Who are the biggest fans of the Tories??

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