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Who are the biggest fans of the Tories??

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Loosehead | 11:59 Wed 10th Oct 2007 | News
69 Answers
Well New Labour of course, step up Darling! I suppose we should be delighted, immitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery! Has there ever been a more blatant ideas robbery?


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Serious question though, to all those Labour supporters who were defending the previous IHT levels, before Darling made his announcement.
Do you not feel slightly betrayed that Labour have effectively implemented a Tory policy for the sake of political capital?
Are you happy for Labour to keep implementing right wing policies if it means they hold on to power?

I bet there's a significant number of Labour voters, especially in the North where house prices are lower than in the south east, that didn't even know the level of IHT.

Remember, IHT at �300,000 affects only a small number of people...those who have had parents who have recently died who's estates are valued over �300,000.

It's right to raise the threshold though, because of the recent rises in house prices. It will take many (I don't know exactly how many) out of this tax band...but I bet Labour are doing it to tickle the chin of the undecided in the South East.


I certainly will not, I have never have voted for either of them. So no, I will not be voting for Dave, or whatever his think tank have found to be a more voter friendly name for him in 3 years time.

Vote Matt Gloss - Your next Conservative Prime Minster!
You certainly attract 'em Loosehead !!!
Great shame some people on this site cannot debat without resorting to bad language though.
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Well YMB, the worst you can do to a lefty is question their flawed ideology, they take it so personally. It's the same with the Europhiles, you disagree you must be retarded as no sane person could possibly have a different view!
If it wasn't for Lefties and Unions you would still be tugging your forlock to the Squire and the priest. Remember Bangladesh is a low wage economy.
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If it wasn't for the Tories, notably MrsT, we'd be another state of the Soviet Union. The wall would still be up and President Scargill would be living in luxury while the rest of us queue up for the chance to own a loaf of bread!
You have a point there, however things can go too far teh other way. The ideal is a balance between the two.

A strong opposition of course is always usefull to address any inabalance.

You'd be surprised the number of people say, in London who live in houses which are valued at �750,000 and above. Once you add in their life insurance policies, work-related death payments etc, their total inheritance package could easily exceed �1million.

A �1million sounds like a lot of money, but in relative terms, more and more people are hitting that threshold.

I wasn't implying those from the North were ignorant generally, but if there's a tax system which doesn't apply to you, why would you know about it?

An analogy: I'm sure there are effecient tax breaks for small companies who relocate to deprived areas, but I haven't a clue as to what they are because it doesn't affect me.
Has Gordon Brown ALWAYS worn a blue tie?
Loose head ? More like Head loose.
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did you have a comment brionon or are you just trying to emulate triggerdippy?
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Forget party politics for a moment all this 'it was our idea', 'no it wasn't it was our idea'.

'Oh no it wasn't', 'Oh yes it was'. Are they rehearsing for the panto season?

Surely aren�t these clowns voted in by the public, to work on our behalf and to bring in measures that are for the good of this country as a whole and also beneficial to the electorate, regardless who were the first to think them up?
Hippy boy I can probably utter more profanities than you. There is a time and a place. In a debate it just shows ignorance and an inability to use the english language mate. So no I wont deal with it - you grow up or read a dictionary.
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Its much better to make up your own swear words.

You can associate them with existing swear words, without offending people, and continue to add to the debate.

You cranflitter.

(You see?)

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Who are the biggest fans of the Tories??

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