The comparison she was actually making was that they're both victims of 'trial by gutter press' - not that the suffering she's endured is comparable to that of the Mcanns.
In that sense she does have a point.
Not only has Kate Mccann lost her daughter, she has also been accused (in certain places) of murdering her. How dare McCartney compare herself to Kate McCann, she also compared herself to Princess Diana,
I worry for her mental health, I couldn't beleive what I was seeing on GMTV yesterday, the poor woman looked unhinged.
Her PR agent advised against her T.V and radio apperances and he has now dumped her.
McCann gets some sympathy in the media, Mills gets none. The nerve of her, marrying a national icon and then divorcing! She gets nothing but hate and harassment. I dare say the alimony will make up for it; but she's treated far worse in the press than the McCanns.
Personally, I have never liked her, but I felt for her yesterday. She is right to say that the press are out to get her. as most of the press is out to get the McCanns . The papers do put a spin on things, do tell lies. The sources are always "friends" . It is wrong to say that they are courting publicity all the time and should shut up. The publicity is generated by the media, who are very clever , they always try to make you think that they have interviewed the subject when in fact they have not. And beware of that EXCLUSIVE tag. It means nothing .