I always thought the 'special relationship' was based less on ecconomic and social grounds than the friendship of Thatcher and Reagan.
If you look at two ageing fascist warmongers who are busy conducting a mutual admiration fest. based on "No they can kill my forces first ...." "No, I must insist on getting MY forces obliterated where we don't belong ..", then you could attempt (and fail!) yto dignify this monstrous abuse of power and democracy by draping it in a blood-stained cloak of psuedo-respectability, and call it a 'spepcial relationship'. A better term might have bee 'septic relationship'.
I imagined that once Blair got into power, he wouldn't touch a dangerous psycopathic idiot like Bush with a barge pole, but ...
Then again, he did start by saying his priority was "..education, education, education ..." so that should have bee a sign of things to come.