There was no problem before the intervention of western powers into foreign countries telling them how to run their countries. However distasteful there way of life to our eyes they should be left alone. At the same time those domiciled here should return to their homelands to practice their religious teachings so there is less friction in Britain. Only those willing to convert to christianity should remain.
Sometimes the truth is unpalatble!.
One might compare France, which has an estimated Muslim population of 5-10%
Or Germany, which has a Muslim population of 3.7%.
I will admit that most of these figures are from around 2001 (except France I think), but they're still pretty illuminating regarding the falsity of right-wing assertions saturation.
Talking to people as opposed to reading the right wing press.
Understanding that the majority of Muslims are sensible people.
Realising that the Koran if taken literally is almost as bad as The Bible, but the majority of Muslims (like the majority of Christians) are not fundamentalists.
Re-home the Jews in Israel for a few years in USA and UK and nuke the middle east. The ones in Britain should also be killed, especially those ghastly women with just their eyes showing.
Return the Jews to their motherland and mine all the oil when the radiation disappears.
Yes a few dozen million will die, but it is their choice to practice this vicious and barbaric religion.
Ward Minter, the UK is a Protestant country and yet there were figures recently showing there were more Roman Catholics attending church than Protestants this year. I hope you have been attending church on a regular basis, you being a good Christian and all that
Maybe we might get a modern equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition with the massive rise in the number of Catholics in the country ?
Maybe nobody expects the Spanish inquisition !!!!!!
allah ackbar... o wait i'm a white protestant so that means i have to hate them... one of my favorite sayings is 'there are no stupid questions..' but sometimes people surprise you. do the world a favour and don't have any children.