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Banksy. What a tw@t!!!

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Bewlay Bros | 14:55 Tue 15th Jan 2008 | News
25 Answers
This Banksy character.

Is he not just a vandalising chav with a little bit more talent than the average spray painter?

Fair enough he may be making some social comment, but the same san be said of the 1970's neo-Nazis thugs who spray painted NF all over the show.

Talent or not, if I caught him spraying anything on my wall, I'll kick his fat arse til he cries for his mummy.

Is the acceptance of blatent vandalism another sign of this once great Empire having all the morality of a chicken fiddler? 87.stm


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Some people (rightly or wrongly) see this as as much a form of art as anything you will see in the Tate Gallery i London or the Louvre in Paris.
I have discussed this with my good lady, she fails to see how "The bed" by Tracey Emin: 0203/3/bed.jpg can be classed in the same league as Rodin's "The Kiss" : , in my humble opinion they are both works of art, it's how you, the individual view it
"if I caught him spraying anything on my wall, I'll kick his fat arse til he cries for his mummy."

Just shows what a dullard you are. The bloke whose wall was 'vandalised' (I think you will find he commissioned it) is now �208,000 better off.

More stuff to be offended by here: .stm
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Well gromit, if a vandal was allowed to roam on my land I can assure you the value of my portfolip will drop by more than than 208K. So your attempted insult is really rather pathetic.

Lambert, Emin is a foul woman. Was she not the one who made art from her used tampons?
I agree, as I am against graffiti, which I think involves individuals appropriating public spaces for private gratification and, in the case of Banksy, private profit. However, Gromit is correct to point out that instead of kicking the artist you could let him finish and then sell the 'art' to some dolt in the City who's just got a million-pound bonus, and retire on the proceeds.
It's still art though minter, you just admited it, as I said, it depends on the viewers perspective.
Did you know that when the Germans occupied France in 1940 they entered Picasso's house, an officer looked at the great mans depitcion of the German Airforce's bombing of 'Guernica' and asked him "did you do this"? Picasso answered "No, You did"

Perspective, gettit?
Art is either:

a) an oil painting of a person's face in a gold frame.
b) a watercolour of a building or landscape.

Anything else should - no, must - be destroyed.

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I know you are stupid quinlad, that is fairly obvious. But I wonder if people actually read my questions.

This is not about "art". This is about grafitti A CRIMINAL OFFENCE.

As some of you may recall I once had a user name of Leon Blank.

Leon Blank was a fictional artiste whereby he cut up dead bodies (a la Damien Hirst) in the name of art.

Makes it alright does it, because it is art?

I have clearly said Banksy has talent, have I not.

I do not like his art, I do not like emin's art. Art for arts sake in my opinion is crap. But I accept it is art. Just as a puddle of putrid sick rubbed in to quin lads face and photographed is art!!!!!

This is about grafitti. Which is wrong. And Banksy is a tw@t.

I give up with ignorance on this site and will learn to remember that not everybody has a CSE woodwork GRADE C (yes Grade C) like me. So simple tasks like reading through a question is actually quite hard for some.

(jno, on the ball again) (lambert there as well) the rest, well!!!
And of course it's impossible for graffitti to be art.

Because it's not on a piece of canvas, and doesn't fall into category a) or b).
Question Author
are you just being obtuse or do you really not understanbd what I have said?

Either way it is not funny so I shall not answer you again.
-- answer removed --
Bewlay Bros, the problem is, you supply a link and then ignore the facts therein yourself.

You ask, Is he not
"Vandalising' - No He was commisioned to work on that wall by the owner so it is not acceptance of blatant vandalism.

A Chav - No No one knows his identity, let alone which social grouping he falls in

Little bit more talent than the average spray painter?
Here, I am prepared to meet you have way. The execution of Banksy art is clumsy and niave.
Question Author
Where did you get the information he was commissioned??

Then you say NOBODY knows his identity????

Mmmmmm very clear answer there. Well done.
Question Author
And even it it was commissioned, Banksy has still vandalised many a wall.
Oh, please answer me again. Pleeease.

Not least because I'd love to get to the bottom of your question.

I'm not saying Banksy is a great artist. In fact, I think he's rubbish.

But you seem to be contending that he's a tw@t purely on the basis that he breaks the law. DH Lawrence has Lady Chatterly's Lover banned for the criminal offence of obsenity. Is he a ****? The Beatles produced some of their best work under the influence of illegal drugs. *****?

One of the most symbolic acts (and artistic gestures) of recent times was the Chinese student who stood in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Wasn't he breaking the law? Of course he was. What a tw@t.

This would have been a much more interesting debate if you hadn't focused on one of the pettiest, fussiest laws in existence. Are you really saying that maintaining a clean wall is more important an ideal that artistic expression?

Banksy, of course, has been arrested several times. So it's not as if the law is turning a blind eye anyway. No need to bemoan the fall of Empire on that count then.
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If Banksy has been arrested many times has he been to court?

Now forgive my ignorance but I was under the impression that courts were public places.

Yet we have one saying NO ONE knows who he is and now this.

Banksy is a tw@t and deserves to die.

I rarely say this, but I am bored by one of my own questions rather quickly.

I know now how other feel.
This quote from one report is ironic

"Luti Fagbendle, the owner of the firm, put a Perspex sheet over the work to stop it getting vandalised.".
He has admitted to several arrests. (Note - not all arrests lead to a court appearance).

Since these arrests, he has adopted the persona of Banksy to keep his identity secret.

Hope this helps.
Don't bemoan your own work Bewlay Bros.

Your question is in itself a piece of art. One of the best expressions of futilism I have seen this afternoon (my own posts excepted).
Vandalism is a malicious act. I can't see Banksy's work as being malicious. It's thought provoking and goes back to the roots of what art was all about. Art originally wouldn't have been used for aesthetic purposes, it would have told a story or conveyed a message. I'm not an Emin or Hirst fan but her bed, tells the story of your average 20 something woman of today's world and Hirst's shark in water was probably one of the most horible art experiences I have ever had.

Art should make you stop and think, or demonstrate unique talent.

People who see all Graffitti as vandalism fail to find the art value in it, but those who view it as art seem to be able to see that it is also an act of vandalism.

97% of people in Bristol voted to keep his vandalism, I think thats testament enough to whether its art or criminal damage.

( However, i was all for bringing back corporal punishment after some little scrotes defaced the Hogwarts express)

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