It has been confirmed by the police that a 39 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of abduction. It was his flat, nothing to do with the grandparents
So where did the story come from that she was found in her Grandma's house? I suppose we will have to wait for the full,true story. I'm just so glad she is safe and appears unharmed physically if not mentally.
Lets face it, we will never know the true details of this story. As far as I am concerned, any woman who has seven children by five different fathers is hiding a lot.
As said by someone else important thing is she�s back and well, stop slagging off her mum, just because she has all these children by different dads doesn�t mean she loves that girl any less than a 2.4 children family.
Whatever you are one of those people that come on just to say stuoid comments like that, but I didnt expect that from you spaced. Lets all just be happy she is alive.
The first report I heard was that she was found 'hiding' under a bed. Then that she was found 'hidden' under a bed and - finally - she was found 'concealed' under a bed. All very peculiar. As is her family situation. I'm ever so glad she's alive. Let's us all hope that the family situation can be resolved. i.e. Mum understands that she is not bringing her children up as should be hoped. Poor little child. I only hope she isn't warped for life by the examples of the adults she is unfortunate enough to have in her life. Shannon - there is better out there!!!!