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Corby. What a nice place!!!

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Abdulmajid | 22:20 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | News
72 Answers shire/7450738.stm

Should these kids be killed?

Should Corby be nuked?


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Corby is full of sweaties

Like the Gorbals in the 60's
And i thought it was gonna be nice today too.
Obviously the kids are twisted but then no more twisted than the kids who killed jamie bulger and no more twisted than a kid whod stab another to death for an ipod or a mobile phone.
There are no constraints on kids and therefore they do as they please.
it was only a lamb

it is a dog

what are you going to say when it is someone's child

it is only a kid ?
It is a well known fact that many of those who kill animals as children go on to kill people when they are older.

Not quite. It's a well-known fact that several people who have committed murders have done stuff to animals. But then plenty of kids do. It's my opinion that people just overhype it.

My cousin chucked a hamster out of his window as a kid, for instance. Another acquaintance flushed a live rabbit down the toilet. You don't even want to know the sticky ends many a pet has met. Think about how many grisly stories regarding animals the people around you have to tell from their childhoods. Have they all become murderers? No.

Would u rather let the little ****** off because 'it's just a dog'
and take the chance that they might not torture and take the life of a person in the future

I'd rather know if the child actually displays any symptoms of mental illness before deciding whether they'll become a murderer (and that's if they're even guilty). And before you say it - cruelty to animals is surprisingly common among kids. So that's not much of a measuring stick.

what are you going to say when it is someone's child
it is only a kid ?

Are you seriously comparing the life of a dog to the life of a human child? If you are, I don't think it's me that has a screw loose.
( I don't think it's me that has a screw loose. )
i never said that , when any animal gets killed you just like to stir things up.
remember its just a lamb ?
if you would like an insult i think you have the brains of a dog turd. happy now ? ps not my dog as it is a clever dog
Its that very attitude that encourages people to harm animals. "Oh its only a dog, cat ect so it doesn't matter."
Do you think that animals don't feel pain or don't suffer.
I have respect for life in general not just so called civilised human beings. Just because we are at the top of the food chain does not give us the right to treat other life forms on this planet with such platent disrguard.
My children have grown up knowing that life in all its forms should be respected. My sons and daughter are is important to me as my dog.
To have respect for life does not mean u respect human life or the life of a child any less.
To think this Kromo is an indication that it is u who needs the help not us.

hey kromo you are one sick head
when any animal gets killed you just like to stir things up.

I'm not intentionally stirring things up - I actually do believe this. Though I confess I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself.

I notice you dodged my question, by the way.

Its that very attitude that encourages people to harm animals. "Oh its only a dog, cat etc so it doesn't matter."

I did say it deserved punishment. I just think people overreact. Because it's a freaking dog.

Do you think that animals don't feel pain or don't suffer

Of course not. I just don't care.

It's simple human nature. Consider in your mind a scenario in which a gunman asks you to choose between a chicken and a human child (or any human, really) and despite all you say about how much all life should be respected equally - I think deep down you know there's one that you care about much, much more. If you don't, I'd say there's something wrong with you.

Hence why when you say My sons and daughter are is important to me as my dog. I find it very hard to believe you. Or at least to believe that many people share that.

And before you ask: yes, I've had plenty of pets in the past. And no, I didn't do anything to them.

hey kromo you are one sick head

We aim to please.
It's simple human nature. Consider in your mind a scenario in which a gunman asks you to choose between a chicken and kromo


right im of to kfc . BYE
I'm more, shall we say, tactful than Kromo, but I sympathize with some of his points.
Let me first say that there are no excuses for torturing animals, it's disgusting, it demonstrates an acute lack of empathy and should be royally punished.
However, it's not as bad as the loss of a human life. I know that if I'm called into some nightmarish hypothetical situation where I have to flick the switch on a human baby or a chicken, there's really not going to be great deal of though involved as to what choice I'm going to make. And I doubt any of you would. I'd obviously not be happy with the situation, but I'm happy and comfortable in placing human life above other organic life-forms.
Secondly, I hate the way that people value certain animals over others. In my mind there is no difference between the death of a rat and the death of a dog. I wouldn't kill either, and perhaps a dog is too personal an example to use. How about a fox? Both considered vermin, but one has a fanclub and the other doesn't.
Thirdly, Kromo's right about the torturing of animals not leading down the line to serial killing and other violent crime. I don't know many little boys who didn't torture insects. My favourite game used to be collecting caterpillars to put on the bonfire to watch them explode with giggling glee, (and I'm not a psycho, by the way).
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I have never broken the law (apart from a few driving offences no doubt), am probably the most academically accredited person you will see on AB and have strong traditional values and morals.

However, am I alone is putting animals above millions of human beings?

If I had the choice of simply wiping out people like the truly foul redhelen or an innocent dog, I would cut helens head off before you can say Karl Marx is God.

And I am led to believe their is in fact a huge correlation with animal cruelty and human cruelty.

Also it boils down to simple respect of Gods little creatures. If a human being can not be kind to an innocent animal, then it is fairly hard to comprehend that he or she will be respectful towards other humans or their property.

Yes animal cruelty is in all classes, but I bet my house that the VAST majority of those who abuse animals are from broken homes, sub-minimum wage households where turkey twizzlers are the norm, homes like redhelens.

Animal abusers deserve to die. Simple as that.

And fox-hunters. I hope they really suffer, sick barstards.
Kromovaracun. I am pleased to say that noone around me, neither friends nor family have any stories to tell of abusing animals when they were children. Animal abuse is no different to human abuse. In fact, in some ways it is worse because animals have no way of defending themself verbally and have no understanding of what is happening.

And I personally feel just as strongly about an animal being mistreated as I do a human. That does not mean I have a screw loose, just that compassion doesn't have limits.

If abuse to animals is less important because they have less 'brainpower' then is it OK for so called intelligent and strong humans to abuse the weak in mind or body?

Abuse is abuse is abuse, and abusers of animals would probably abuse humans as well if they weren't cowardly.
Lottie: I shall respond to you in my next post.

However, am I alone is putting animals above millions of human beings?

That depends. Is what you're saying that you'd rather commit genocide than kill a fish? Or a rat?

If so, then I seriously hope so.

And I am led to believe their is in fact a huge correlation with animal cruelty and human cruelty.

There really isn't. It's easy to confuse it though because it is true that most of those who go on to harm humans do start with animals. But be careful of misinterpreting it - a hell of a lot of kids do pretty grisly things to animals. The ones who move on are usually the ones who aren't stable mentally. And there are better indicators for that than 'hurts animals'.

Also it boils down to simple respect of Gods little creatures.

What if I don't believe in God?

I reiterate: I did say it deserved punishment. But it's simply illogical to place the treatment of a dog on the same level as the treatment of a human.

he VAST majority of those who abuse animals are from broken homes, sub-minimum wage households where turkey twizzlers are the norm, homes like redhelens.

Based on what evidence, exactly? And how exactly is this even relevant?
I think that the majority of us would place a childs life above a chicken ahnd opt for the chicken to go to its maker first. However I believe Kromovacarum, that we wouldnt do this and think "It's only a chicken".

your lack of empathy towards animal suffering scares me, would you honestly say that should you happen upon someone toturing a dog, you'd walk by and say "what the hell, it's just a dog"......?
Goddam fricking bloody html.*GrumbleGrumble*

I am pleased to say that noone around me, neither friends nor family have any stories to tell of abusing animals when they were children.

I don't believe you. Have you asked them?

Animal abuse is no different to human abuse.

Right, I feel I am repeating myself when I say this but it seems like everyone just ignores it:

Do you really, really, really, seriously, place the life of a fish (or a rat, or a chicken, or a pidgeon) at the same level that you do the life of another human being? Really try and look deep down at the reaction you get inside yourself when you compare them. I simply can't believe that any rational person could at the very core consider them equal. The impression I get is that people are trying very hard to do so.

I'd like to straighten something out about myself at this stage:

I very, very rarely condone 'instinctive' behaviour - and in fact usually condone acting
it when considering political or moral issues - hence my support for for rule of law and inalienable human rights. But the field of 'inter-species relations' (best way I could think of putting it) is really the only field where its application is quite logical, because this is just about the one issue around that goes right back to our roots as animals ourselves, whereas just about every other issue I can think of has kind of moved 'above' it (not quite the right word).

Hence it's the one area where I think we should listen to our animal instincts. And guess what? Our animal instinct - along with the instinct of just about every other species on the planet - is to concern ourselves with our own species.
your lack of empathy towards animal suffering scares me, would you honestly say that should you happen upon someone toturing a dog, you'd walk by and say "what the hell, it's just a dog"......?

I'm not entirely sure. Please remember I did say that behaviour deserved punishment.

But to answer your question - put it this way: I don't think I'd do nothing. But I sure as hell wouldn't leap upon the culprit foaming at the mouth and clawing at his face. Why? Because it's a dog.

Just wow.

The only thing I can say really is thank you for your honesty.

Your views however just blow me away with what I percieve as cold heartedness (that a word?).
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Two boys aged eleven and thirteen have been arrested by British Transport Police in connexion wi this crime.

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