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Corby. What a nice place!!!

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Abdulmajid | 22:20 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | News
72 Answers shire/7450738.stm

Should these kids be killed?

Should Corby be nuked?


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Thanks for your family history lesson redhelen. In fact when I got up for work this morning (nowhere near as "brilliant" as working for revenue and customs) the first thought on my mind was "Ooooooh I wish I knew about that truly odious redhelens family tale of woe" and lo and behold now I do.


My weekend has certainly kicked off with a bang.

But as I can tell from your peasant writings you are somewhat annoyed, or maybe possibly hurt by my comments to you.

Maybe it is time to look back at your infantile answer to me laden with insult all because you disagree with me.

Then, and only then, you will realise that such childish and lower-working class idiom has no place in a sensible thread.

I am gentlemanly enough to accept an apology but I think we both know you are simply not that nice a person, so I will not hold my breath.

Good night redhelen and lets hope the excitement and brilliance of your job continues on Monday.

What a lovely person you sound. XXX
Wardy, stop being a dick.

I remind you that if you were truly a 'gentleman' you wouldn't be going for ad hominem attacks. If you've really got any brains, attack the argument, not the arguer.
Kromovaracun, I stick by my reply that I think violent computer games could cause some kids to do such vile things in real life.

As an adult, you know these games are just pretend .... when you are a child you do not have a fully developed brain, so as an adult, of course your opinion is going to be different to that of a child.

As a child, it would not have entered my, or my friends' heads to do such things, because we knew nothing about such atrocities. Violent games have a lot to answer for.
I've been gaming most of my life. I remember playing the original GTA when I was a kid - along with plenty of other kids of my generation - and I haven't yet gone on a kill crazy rampage.

As I said before - the only kids who take that kind of inspiration from video games (or animal cruelty, I guess) are the ones who are messed up to begin with.
why does nothing surprise me anymore.
Maybe you're younger than me, Kromovaracun.

The only computer games that were available to me as a youngster, were "Space Invaders" and a game like tennis, where you hit a white "ball" backwards and forwards and it made a bleeping sound each time you got a hit!

I'm sure violent games don't turn every child into a monster, but as I said in my original post, it might turn some that way. I am seeing a disturbing attitude from my 10 year old nephew, and it's not good.
I probably am younger - I'm 18. Which does appear to be quite young compared to the average ABer.
a game like tennis, where you hit a white "ball" backwards and forwards and it made a bleeping sound each time you got a hit!

Pong! Pong rocks!

Well, naturally it's not as cool as Pac-Man. But then what is?
In its day it was great! (We didn't know any better).
Kromo. You didn't really give me an answer relevant to my posting.

I say again, compassion and empathy has no boundaries. I feel the same amount of compassion for anything that feels pain, human or animal. I would never say 'It's only a dog (chicken, mouse, elephant).

And yes, I know my friends pretty well. We talk and discuss things. I don't have any people that think like you amongst my friends, because like people tend to stick together and I could never even imagine having someone with your theories as a friend.

As I said before, should be feel less compassion for something that is less intelligent than us, including our fellow human beings!
Sorry, Lottie. I think at the time I was posting I was responding to multiple people and sort of overlooked it.

Your question:

If abuse to animals is less important because they have less 'brainpower' then is it OK for so called intelligent and strong humans to abuse the weak in mind or body?

I think you've confused my ideas with darwinism. I've never said anywhere that animals are lesser because they're less intelligent, in fact I've never really provided any explanation for it. I'm just saying that in the case of this issue alone, because it's the only issue that goes back to our roots as animals, that I embrace my animal instincts on it.

There's also the fact that animals can be replaced with money - fact is nobody's going to miss this dog as much as they'll miss a person. And if they want they can buy another one. Consider the fact that people just buy animals willy-nilly. Doesn't this say something about our subconscious valuing of other species? Even if we're not aware of it?

And I promise you it isn't just me that has them. Look deep inside yourself and I think you'll find when you place an animal alongside a human, you're actually making a big effort to do so.

We talk and discuss things. I don't have any people that think like you amongst my friends, because like people tend to stick together and I could never even imagine having someone with your theories as a friend.

Most people don't. Animal rights seems to have become fashionable suddenly...

In any case, I promise you that at least one of them in their childhood has done something grizzly to an animal (well, if any of them are male. Boys always seemed to be more keen than girls). Or if they haven't then I'm aghast.
You will rarely find that children brought up in a household with loved pets are cruel to animals. Cruelty to animals is not inherent in boys any more than girls. Cruelty, in my opinion, is learnt. Family upbringing has a great deal to do with it.

Sorry, we will never agree.

And actually, whether right or wrong, if my dog was involved in a traffic accident where there was also a human victim I would go to the aid of my dog first. That, to me is a natural instinct that I firmly believe most people would have.
For the record, I've come from a household that's loved its pets (admittedly we didn't have that many, but they were well cared for). Plus neither of my parents are big on animal cruelty.

if my dog was involved in a traffic accident where there was also a human victim I would go to the aid of my dog first

I sure hope nobody ever has to rely on you if there's an injured rat nearby, then...
Don't be stupid now Krovo. I said 'my dog', not just any dog. Be absolutely honest - if you have a loved dog and it was injured in an accident where humans were involved. what would be your first action? To go to the dog or an unknown person.

Were you ever cruel to animals as a child Krovo? I didn't necessary mean that the parents of a child who was cruel to animals were cruel to animals themselves. Some families never have any pets or any dealings with animals. I just think that children who are malicious cruel, whether it be to animals or humans, have had a less than perfect upbringing.
...... unless they have a psychiatric problem.

I am not talking toddlers here who might not understand that they are hurting an animal, but older children. I would boot the little b's from here to eternity!
ovo. I said 'my dog', not just any dog.

Okay. I'll admit I kind a put words in your mouth here.

Be absolutely honest - if you have a loved dog and it was injured in an accident where humans were involved. what would be your first action? To go to the dog or an unknown person.

Again, with hypotheticals I can never be sure, but imagining myself in the situation, here are my first instincts (which is likely what you'd act on in such a scenario):

It would depend on the details. If the dog just ran out and got hit, I'd see if it was alive because it obviously got a worse hit. The human is pretty certain to be fine in that case. If the dog kind of caught in a larger-scale collision where it wasn't certain the humans would be okay, I'd go see if any of them were hurt first. I mean, what if one of those cars has a kid in it or something and I'm tending to my dog?
Sorry, when I said 'these are likely what you'd act on', I meant 'these are likely what one would act on'. Not as in you personally.
Well, I wouldn't be thinking logically in that situation and probably wouldn't be thinking past my dog. It's a fact that a family pet will usually mean more to it's owner than a human who is not close to me in any way. If my dog died tomorrow and the man down the road died tomorrow, I would be more upset about my dog. That dog would mean more to me. That's human nature.
However, if I had a dog that a child, the dog would be put down. Saying that if a child savaged my dog I would like to see the child put down!!

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