I know this country has problems of it's own as does the rest of the world but after reading this....http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/746687 5.stm I was wondering is there any way the rest of the world can do to get rid of this obviously dangerous man and help his country out of the hell he has put it in? The only thing I can see happening is that the rest of the world will just wait until he dies. He is I think in his 80's now. The problem is in that time he may very well end up taking most of his people with him. Any suggestions?
Even if they do get rid of him his henchmen will take over and continue the genocide. They all need to be taken down but who will do it? Sadly Zimbabwe doesn't have oil !!!
There is an old saying. 'Cut off the head of the snake and the body will die.'
Without Mugabe the others may run away but I see what you mean. There is a chance that his followers, (funny term that, hangers on might be better) Will carry it on.
I hope this comes to an end soon for the sake of the people of Zimbabwe.
Can somebody please explain to me why, Nelson Mandela, does not condemn this dictator? he is the one person in the black world that they would listen to, is it because he has no fight left in him or doesn't he care about whats happening there? I think he just don't care, he is off travelling round the world, prove me wrong mr Mandela and condemn this nasty piece os crap that portrays itself as human.