The problem is that yes a lot of these youths might well be black, but they are also from certain areas, which are by and large very disadvantaged areas, so you might as well make the conneciton that POOR children are more likely to involved in gang warfare as wiffey's 'tribes of africa'.
Race has NOTHING to do with it, deprivation, loss of hope and a lack of positive role models has everything to do with it, I know, I am white, brought up in the Falls, Belfast and was up to my neck in trouble, violent and otherwise, when I was younger.
And guess what? Not a black man in sight.shock horror.
Social problems have led to this phenomenen, not race, and to celebrate a child's death frankly brings you lower than any gang member.
There are ways to deal with this, and it's not by letting violence run rampant on the streets, it's by giving kids in those areas a chance for a far better future.