are we not paying too much tax on our fuel? so its not a matter of dwindling resources is it... brown should be killed by lethal injection.....or maybe shot...or stoned to death yes, that would be better!!! can i get arrested for saying that? oops
The resource isn't dwindling too much at present, but the demand for it is increasing massively.
Your computer or new television will have been made in China using energy from oil. The new emerging economies are the reason for high fuel prices, and you are buying cheap goods from them, so it is all your fault.
Because gas prices are linked to the oil price the gas companies will be receiving 500% profit. As a report says today get the government to discontinue this linkage to oil and at least 1/2 the country will benefit.
rov1200, it is not the government who link the gas and oil price, it is the companies that produce and sell it. As the purchaser, we have no say in what we are charged.
We link our gas to prices to oil through the EU and it need not happen quote:the higher gas price in continental Europe has driven up prices in the UK. Britain has a more liberalised gas market that is not formally linked to the oil price but it has become increasingly tied to the rest of Europe as North Sea gas production has declined.
Consumer groups argue that the link between gas and oil prices should be broken because it supports co-operation between large gas producers and utilities.
Jonathan Stern, of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, said that there was �no reason why gas prices should be so high�.
Gas and Oil trade prices are linked Internationally, not just in Britain or the EU. They have been so since 1986.
The UK until now has been largely insulated from its effects because we have been self sufficient in North Sea Gas. It is only now that we have to buy some imported gas, that the steep rises begin to hurt.
They are Persian Lady. An open cast coal mine is now operating as shown on the news tonight. Unfortunately scrumpies mates are on the scene to try to prevent it operating.
I'm in a mood to hell with it.
I know some are going to find harder than others.
I was not making light of that.
But unless the entire country are ready and willing to down tools and kick this goverment in the butt things are not going to change.
No, I don't think things will change - at least for a very long time - but as far as I'm concerned, the quicker this government goes the better. Hope you're feeling better now, Tigerlily.
It isn't Gordon's fault the price of oil has gone through the roof. Changing a government changes nothing related to this. It's a case of reduce one's usage and/or pay up/shut up.