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Oh the joys of immigration

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vehelpfulguy | 12:30 Fri 25th Jul 2008 | News
46 Answers
What have we done to this country ! 004.stm


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I blame it on the left leaning cabal of teachers, social workers, union junkies and a nanny pampering state that originated in the 70's. Bring back the cane and corporal punishment to save any future generations
Vic, I haven�t a clue what you're talking about. You are the first to defend young thugs, and now I'm saying that the crimes they commit aren't as serious as that committed by the murderers of Jamie Bulger, and therefore cannot be compared, you're saying they can - which puts the kids who are the subject of this thread on the same footing as two young and very unique murderers. Make your mind up. Do you really think these two kids are as bad as Jamie�s killers?

I think Gromit�s provided the link you wanted.
While I can see the point you've been making, naomi, your logic on that last post is all over the place. And I suspect you're aware of that.
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I am not the first to defend young thugs. I do not defend what their actions in any way, shape or form.

What I do say, is that I can understand why some of them carry out attacks, and also I don't believe that longer prison sentences are the answer.

That is wildly different from defending their actions.
No, I'm not aware of that, Quinlad. I'm saying that the attack committed by the children in question cannot be compared to the murder committed by the killers of Jamie Bulger. However, since Vic is aligning one crime with the other, it would appear that he considers both to be of equal severity.. Is that clearer?
No I don't consider them to be equal, but neither do I see the 'usual' knife attack involving teenagers in gangs to be the same either.
well, why compare them then? Or was it that you were just looking for young white people who had committed crimes, and they were the ones that sprang to mind?
These incidents all seem to happen either in London or in the North-west of England. Using the same "logic" as of those who say the violence is all the fault of immigrants, shouldn't we simply cut the north-west adrift, tow it out to sea and sink it? If we flatten London while we're at it, that will be the country's crime solved at a stroke.

There you are. The nice quick simple fix you've been looking for.
I was looking for 10 year old white kids that had committed a terrible act - they were the first that came to mind.
Yes, that's what I thought.

Perhaps we should get back to the question, eh? (Still got the champagne on ice?). :o)
Finished that ages ago - can't let champagne go flat!

Another one in the fridge though.....

How many daily alcohol units is that then?
Oh great!! A man after my own heart!!
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Ha! Thought you wouldn't be far behind. You can sniff alcohol out at 20 threads on this site, can't you?!!!!! :o)
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Come on every one, we do need immigrants here. Our hospitals need doctors and nurses, our schools need teachers, our cricket need few Aussies, South Africans to boost our chances for ashes, our football need players, we do need someone who can get to the final of Wimbledon (winning is not necessary as we do not have enough resources to tackle heart attacks due to the shock), we need someone to pick vegetable, we need someone to clean our streets, we need someone to hand wash our cars, we need someone to marry our women, so that we could just sit in the pub and enjoy our drink. Did I miss anything?
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And this culture from those Roman hooligans. 3.stm

And this one from the knuckle-dragging Saxons. 5.stm

And then there's those work-shy Normans and the Huguenots. .stm

And the bolshy Irish influence. 55303.stm

Why can't we just go back to the good old days? tons%20bovington.jpg

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