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Is Islam REALLY the religion of peace and forgiveness......

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Trojanfarce | 11:31 Mon 13th Oct 2008 | News
59 Answers
...or am I confusing a religion for a nation? Sorry, I know this has been discussed on here many times, but I'd not come across apostacy before. leeast/iran/3179465/Hanged-for-being-a-Christi an-in-Iran.html


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Iran is because it's ruled by funamentalists.
But any religion that can condone this has a problem.
But I suspect Keyplus will be here later to tell us we have it all wrong and it's all propaganda.
First of all one thing did amaze me that this question was posted at 10:31 and the first answer to this was posted at 11:55. That is a delay of 1hr and 24 min. It is amazing that a question like this where clearly word Islam was mentioned, did not get attention.

Then I would like to correct tigerlily on one thing that Iran is not ruled by fundamentalists. In fact there is not even a single Muslim country that is ruled by fundamentalists. Because in my mind a fundamentalist is the one who stick to the fundamentals of their beliefs. However if the Iranians are doing this solely for the reason of them being Christians or converting to Christianity then they are against the fundamentals of Islam so you can not call them fundamentalists. Other possibilities are that the person in question might have been involved in other criminal activities and his family are using conversion to Christianity to get some attention which they have been successful to a limited extent.

As for the last bit of your answer that it might be propaganda then I believe in this world no one is ever sure about any thing unless you listen to the other side of the story.
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you do talk cobblers Keyplus, but to follow you somewhat contrived reasoning, are the Iranians therefore going to execute all their petty criminals whilst accusing them of converting to Christianity?
No otherway around if you read my post properly.
Question Author
No other way round what, Keyplus?
Once again, you've contrived to provide an alternatiive based solely on the fact that the article has a contrary slant to your own blinkered view of your religion.
Every time a link/article/opinion goes against your views of Islam, you either:
a) Tell us that the perpetrators aren't REAL muslims
b) Tell us that the writings are clearly biased
c) Provide tenuous explanations where none really exists.

I'm all for supporting that which I strongly believe, but you do take this to an extreme length.
Perhaps you could provide me with some links that support your view (on this article)
..or just qute times of postings, keyplus you reallly do have the horn for your cheap casio watch lol
Mon 13/10/08
16:06 ..or just qute times of postings, keyplus you reallly do have the horn for your cheap casio watch lol

admarlow actually ment quote..ha ha ha
As an atheist religion hater I will say this.

All religions have been converted, diverted, used and abused by those who seek to gain from "the people" I am convinced that those who truely follow faith you do not hear from, because they are sure of the path.

Although the media like to descibe these people as fundementalist they are not, if you were to ask the peaceful muslim "priests" they say that the Koran is against violence and especialy against other followers of Islam.

So according to this the "martyrs" of 9/11 -7/7 etc who killed muslims as well as all the other religions will be denied entry to heaven.

We are quoted the Koran here, the Koran there but as in this case it is just used to an end. If there truly was an Allah these people would burn.

But theres not so they won't.
OK fine, carry on believing what you want to believe in and I am sure I will do the same. Because I know that what ever I would explain you would find something that you would not like in that as that is what you are after.
keyminus90 at approx 16.20, and 16.01 you spouned a load of rubbish.
Fine again.

It really shows the difference of attitude to few sensible people here.
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Glad it's not just me that puzzles over Keyplus' efforts to justify the unjustifiable.
Still waiting, Keyplus, for you to provide evidence on your "family seeking attention" diatribe..............
Keyplus - Sorry I don't get it. Muslim clerics state that the use of violence against other innocent Muslims is a crime.

I haven't read this in the Koran or interpreted it. These same people state that there is open interpretation of the Koran and that this is being misused by people for political ends.

What I will say is that as long as parts of the Islamiv world continue to live by rules set by a book thousands of years old, there will be no lack of murderers who believe that they are going to heaven.

You cannot defend the indefesible and trying too makes you stupid not sensible and it has nothing to do with any religion.
OK first of all to my little birdie. As usual please use your eyes properly and see who used the word idiot. Or is that a bit too difficult for you? As far as sensible is concerned then there are many apart from me who can read and understand things a lot better than few others.

Trojan � My friend. First of all I did not say that families definitely do that. I said that n one is sure until you hear both sides of the stories. And if some one thinks it is not right then keep thinking and keep on going to wars depending on false information.

Dave- Quran clearly says that.

2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.

Who so ever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he has killed all mankind, and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind," (Al-Ma'dah:32).
Now a very simple question for birdie and Trojan. And I am sure I have asked this to birdie before and never got a proper answer so I wouldn�t be surprised if the same happens this time.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and I am not saying it. It is fact, just google and you would see. Why? According to you stupid people believe in these things, like old book, bla, bla, bla. So are more and more people becoming stupid according to you?

Lets see if we get a simple answer or a 3000 words story that would not make any sense��.
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Keyplus, I for one have not used the word "stupid" in any of my posts here.
It may well indeed be fact that Islam is the world's fastest growing religion but I do wonder if, like Iran, other countries decided to introduce a law that said you'd be put to death for denying the religion of that country, exactly how quickly Islam would grow then?
You've made this point before yet continue to dispute other facts that the rest of us know to be true (You once described the holocuast as an "exaggeration") and it is this blinkered thinking that puts you at odds with many posters on this site.
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They dont even like each other as in Iraq, the sunni's war with muhajideens.
and in UK the asian mosques are not welcoming to Bosnian muslims. Hardly a brotherhood?

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