When the public are asked "Do you want an elected House of Lords?", we are led to believe the majority say yes. I wonder what the answer would be if the question was "Do you wish to see 300 plus more politicians in parliament?". Because that is exactly what they would be, same old side stepping of questions with a constant eye on what "The Sun" comic is saying & their current standing in the opinion poles, a large proportion of them would be barristers (as is the house of commons) which hardly produces a true cross section on society.
I find it interesting when former MP's are elevated into the Lords, how they often start to say what they think rather than tow the party line as they no longer have spectre of general elections & deselection boards hanging over them. I'm all for an appointed Lords but I'm not sure how you could stop nepotism creeping in & ensure it truly represents society as a whole.