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Welcome To The AnswerBank News, the home of the latest news headlines and topical debate on The AnswerBank. Discuss UK and worldwide news here.If you'd like to discuss politics that doesn't relate to a specific story or event, head over to our Politics section OR Current Affairs.
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
By-election How do you think that will go? https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /c62z9e ll358o ...
Fighter jets have being flying overhead in East Anglia constantly this afternoon. I've been aware of much increased activity over the past couple of weeks but nothing as intense as today. Anyone... ...
Oil tanker and cargo ship collide in North Sea - both large ships - how could this... ...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/t ower-br idge-sh ut-down -after- man-sca les-rai lings-1 3325741 Why do they let these morons disrupt lives? Just leave the plonker up there, ignore and carry on. ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c o.uk/ne ws/poli tics/20 24813/a yslum-s eekers- befrien ding-te nnis-sa ndwiche s?int_s ource=n ba "befriending services"? - Perlease make it across the channel and we'll take you to the... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c o.uk/ne ws/poli tics/20 24835/B enefits -Starme r-Labou r-crisi s-revol t national defence or foriegn terrorists? Easy choice for most of us, not it seems for a lot of Labour MPs. It's... ...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/p olitics -latest -live-s tarmer- ukraine -zelens kyy-war -trump- welfare -cuts-1 2593360 Jo Cox murder had an inquest. Clearly a partisan decision. ...
Trump was bragging the other day of all the things he's managed to do so far in his short time in office. Well ending the war in Ukraine is not one of them, in fact he's managed to esculate the... ...
//Emotional scenes played out across the UK on Sunday as the bereaved and their communities hosted hundreds of events to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the pandemic in a day of... ...
//A couple who discovered a migrant had clung to the back of their vehicle all the way home from France have been issued a £1,500 fine. Adrian and Joanne Fenton said they called police when they... ...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/m inister -pat-mc fadden- says-we lfare-c uts-are -coming -soon-1 3324958 never thought they had the bottle but well done. ...
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /c3rnv5 l381eo Kemi & Co come up with a good idea for a change but where were these great thinkers during Tory time in power? I doubt the champions of huddles... ...
. . . it's probably best not to do it close to a railway line! 🚂 https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/v ideos/c q6yzll9 j92o ...
https:/ /www.nb cnews.c om/poli tics/na tional- securit y/trump -wants- see-jus t-miner als-dea l-resta rt-aid- intel-u kraine- rcna195 508
" WASHINGTON — As U.S. and Ukrainian officials prepare to meet in Saudi... ...
" WASHINGTON — As U.S. and Ukrainian officials prepare to meet in Saudi... ...
this is just one man, how many more like him are here, and will he be deported? doubt it, terror atrocities almost inevitable, so many have arrived who we know nothing about, there... ...
42% of voters are now saying Trump should not receive a second state visit to Britain Any abers agree ..I Do.
the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been asked to undertake a study into potential connections... ...
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/w ould-th e-world -be-mor e-peace ful-if- more-wo men-wer e-in-ch arge-13 322761 There is the "Hell hath no fury..." argument of course. ...
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /c0kgnd d62zlo How did he get in there? ...
https:/ /www.bb c.co.uk /news/a rticles /czxnwr qey4go And so it continues. ...