Question Author
In reverse order then.
- Yes, if you like.
- In what way is it racist? (It's the National Black Police Association by the way). Because of its very existence? Or because of its membership rules? It exists to support the plight of ethnic minorities in the police, a segment that is disproportionately under-represented, especially in senior positions. I'm all for addressing that. Membership-wise, white officers are allowed to join certain local chapters. It would be helpful if the others followed suit. Do you want to throw the MOBOs in for good measure? It's been about 9 minutes since we had that on AB.
- In what way would belief in a far-left group (which by its definition believes in universal acceptance, rather than elitist division) be an obstacle in public service?
- BNP members look like the ordinary man, the salt of the earth, the backbone of Britiain, the voice of the streetzzzzzzz.... oh, and they don't - I repeat, don't - wear bomber jackets.