In response to the posts below I'd like to know what Britishness is? Years ago the phrase "be British" meant being steadfast and stoical, years ago the British were renowned for their good manners, stiff upper lip and sense of fair play,do you feel that is still true? So if you were an immigrant what do you think you would do to be British? Please don't go on about what they should'nt do, what are the norms that an immigrant should aspire to?
Tell me how many Arab/Muslim Countries would allow Catholic or Christian Church's to be built on their land, like we have allowed so many Mosques to be built in the UK?
Shanx what is Britishness?
What has gone?
How can a foreign man take away your identity?
Change the way you live?
The ghettoisation is on all sides.
Of all the people I no longer recognise it's the British that seem strangest to me of all.
The question is about Britain not Africa, Asia or Arabia.
We in Britain have the right to religious expression, or not as the case may be, that's why it happens.
Are you opposed to this freedom?
Britishness died out 10 years ago thanks to the ***** hoodie culture and the scummy tennants of council estates and the flood of immigrants to this country
Years ago people were proud of their council estates but now they have become home to all sorts of low lifes
Schools now have more foriegn than English kids
Britishness is dying, thanks to New Labour and the Human Rights brigade and all the PC idiots
Britishness was all about loving our country...what is there to love about it now?
LOL I've heard of love on the dole but that takes the biscuit.
If you're going to blow me up with a bomb you could at least go out and earn the money yourself.
Look I work with the public so bombs going off are an issue for me, I'm more vulnerable than most, I'll tell you traight I have more problems with white yobs than burkha clad bandits.