No they are not.
Several hundred bombs and mortars have been launched out of Gaza during the last week at Israeli civilians. True the weapons are unsophisticated and have not killed many people, but never the less, they have caused considerable terror among the Israeli civilians that they were aimed at.
As we have seen many times before, Israel tends to be merciless in its retaliation and this is no exception. But there was considerable provocation.
Both sides never really wanted the ceasefire. It was brokered so that Bush could finish his disastrous term in office with a a success, Peace in the middle east. As neither side is interested in Peace, and the war itself is a proxy battle between the US and Iran, then it had no chance of success.
Much will be made of the Iranian source of Hamas' bombs, but it will be conveniently forgotten that the Israeli planes and bombs that killed so many civilians yesterday were gifts from the US to Israel.
The last six months have be a mere respite in the continuing murderous cycle, with both parties and outside forces as well, equally to blame.