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Gaza civilians

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Hugh Spencer | 11:10 Tue 06th Jan 2009 | News
41 Answers
Just about everybody is distressed concerning the civilian casualties in Gaza - that is, except the gunmen. They can have little concern otherwise they wouldn't create their HQ's or supply depots next to or close to civilian accommodation and accept that innocent people will be killed. Or, do the civilians deliberately protect or be in close proximity to the gunmen to help them fight another day. If that is the case, they are as much in the front line as the gunmen. If none of these apply, the bottom line is that in modern warfare there will always be collateral damage and innocent casualties.


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R1, it's not irrelevant but the aggressors will get their come uppance. They will not gain in the long run, hated by all their neighbours.
Islam hating Israel, you surprise me!

There is nothing they could do to make themselves popular in the region. Full stop. Islam is committed to wiping out Israel, said so many times. For that matter they are committed to slaying all us infidels.
Both sides use women, children ,civilians for propaganda purposes and no-one really knows the truth just yet. But as already stated, wars kill people- mainly the innocent. And to quote Bomber Harris ' They created the storm, now they are going to reap the whirl-wind.' Or something like that !

well its pretty obvious that apart from the typical leftie garbage you spout you know nothing of the situation out there, you just pick selective soundbites.

who was responsible for the palistinian refugee situation ?
thats right jordan, oh dear but they are an arab country, but that didnt stop them kicking a million or so out of jordan.

israel left the gaza strip in 06, so why are hamas firing daily barrages of rockets into israel ?

as for iran, israel will be so far ahead of the game, if they think that they are even a smidge of the way to getting nuclear weapon capabilities, they will deal with it, just like they did with iraq some years ago.

derekpara, I don't know about a Bomber Harris quote.
Look at Hosea 8:7. hth
bazwillrun, .... wrong. I have spent several years in the area. You have proved your ignorance on this subject by telling that old joke, "Israel left the Gaza strip". The Palestinians have been under seige ever since. You obviously are talking through your ????? hth
My mum often talks about her travels in the areas concerned with affection, and says that although there were tensions there (circa 65) it wasn't that bad bar the odd bombing (!). She talks with real love about the peoples she met on both sides. This is all coming from her, but both sides just mingled happily together, bar the odd bit of stuff that would always come from outside like government troops. And it was always outside, because the normal people just wanted to farm their lands better than last year, or have a better more swish party to which all the neighbours were invited, or a better coming of age 'do'. Hospitality was always the fist thing on their minds when someone wandered into their path.
the reason Israel will not allow camera teams in is simple.
as shown on itv news tonight. 30 dead at one UN school building alone.
they will destroy anything and everything they can.they don't want camera teams filming the dead children.

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Cugetit, i've said before, look at the history of the area, you keep saying that it belongs to the Palestinians, but it might surprise you to know, that the Arabs took the land by force, (same as you say the Jews did) as they did Egypt, and stayed, so with your logic, if the present Israelis hold what is at the present Israel, in a few hundred years time they will be the legitimate owners.
Lonnie, you have hit the nail on the head. If the Israelis can hold the land they are occupying for long enough then they hope they will remain there. Encourage as many new immigrants as possible and start up as many new settlements as possible. To hell with the present occupants. Israel left Gaza some time ago but since then this strip of land has been under continuous seige until the present invasion. Obviously they do not want the media inside Gaza. They have never liked witnesses !! They are now almost at the point, under pressure, of permitting one humanitarian corridor into Gaza. They may be the "chosen" people but this is not necessarily a positive thing. There has already been quite a big increase of right wing groups in Europe and this will only fuel that rise.

Jog-on, keep your job as a comedian, you'll need it !

Let me guess just like the BBC's impartial unbiased reporter out there , youre married to an Arab. A bit like asking that garbage george galloway his views on iraq, he wont be biased having a wife from iraq, course not !!!

the BBC's reporter is Jeremy Bowen
Cugetit - - - I see you have got around to using the old antisemetic, or more correctly anti Jewish term, 'chosen' people.
The correct phrase is 'the people who chose' - the Jews chose to accept the Ten Commandments.
Please do not start a long discussion about how they (and most others) have not stuck to them.
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As the one responsible for starting this thread could I suggest that we don't wander too far away from the subject. As a rider this morning, did I hear that gunfire was observed coming from the schools involved in an attack?
Yes Hugh, I saw the news this morning, and your right, Gunfire was observed coming from a school,

What happens, is that the Israelis can pinpoint where rockets and gunfire is coming from, and straight away attack that position, Hamas knows this, so Hamas, in their wisdom, are purposely putting civilians and schoolchildren in the firing line.

I also apologise from digressing from your original point.
Raleigh, I've no idea where you've got your information from, but it's total arsewater to claim 'chosen people' is anti-Semitic/Jewish. It's direct from God to the Hewbrews in Deuteronomy 7:6:

"For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth."

It's part of a larger speech which commences with God telling his chosen people how he will lead them to the land they should have and they should drive out the existing tribes. It's completely correct to use the phrase 'chosen people' about them and about as far from anti-Semitic/Jewish as you can get!
Thanks for the correction. It was one of those bits of knowledge picked up at school somtime in the last century that was remembered incorrectly. Or perhaps I have heard it said in a way that makes in appear to be nasty
Hope the bit about the apple and gravity still applies.
I can understand where Raleigh is coming from, in one of the many books I have, (veering away from the Bible), it says that God went first to all the other nations of the world, looking for one that would accept him, they all rejected God, except the Jews, Hence the Jews chose God, not God the Jews. and it actually uses the phrase, 'People who chose' But to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Apologies again Raleigh.
No apology necessary Lonnie.

The heading on this topic was 'Gaza civilians'.Many postings on this thread and similar ones have condemned Israel for their actions and civilian casulties.Likewise, many countries, the UN and others put most of the blame on Israel - a Jewish state. It is only a short step from this to get to blaming Jews for much of the world's woes. A situation like that ocurred in Europe about 70 years ago.
Too true Raleigh,

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